herb and vegetable plants online since 1997

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Arkansas Traveler
Arkansas Traveler

Arkansas Traveler

SKU: 1201 Available to ship: Apr 9, 2012 - Jun 4, 2012
Also known as "Traveler", the Arkansas Traveler is a southern heirloom variety is known for producing well in hot weather. Beautiful dark Pink tomatoes are 6-8 oz. and very flavorful and sweet. They are always a reliable producer of large bountiful crops even during the heat of summer and they taste so good too! Late season 85 days

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Color of fruit: Rose colored
Size of Fruit: Medium to Large

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Our tomato plants are approximately 6-12" tall and come in extra large 4.5 pots. Each plant is wrapped individually to hold in the soil and moisture. We ship in large pots to keep the stress of transport to a minimum. Our interior cartons are made to fit our plants.

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Mater Magic Plant Food

Mater Magic Plant Food

Price $7.95

Fox Farm Liquid Vegetable Fertilizer

Fox Farm Liquid Vegetable Fertilizer

Price $14.95

Organic Ocean Forest potting soil 1.5 cf

Organic Ocean Forest potting soil 1.5 cf

Price $15.95

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"The only tomato you need to plant"

Terry on 9/4/2008

Comments: Been growing heirlooms for a while and this is always my best one, produces a lot of tomatoes till frost.

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