The Congress 2013
Robin Wright, a Hollywood actress who once held great promise (“The Princess Bride”, “Forrest Gump”), receives an unexpected offer in mid-life: Paramount Studios want to scan her entire being into their computers and purchase ownership of her image for an astronomical fee.
After she is scanned, the studio will be allowed to make whatever films it wishes with the 3-D Robin, including all the blockbusters she chose not to make during her career. In return, Robin will be forbidden to appear on any kind of stage for all eternity.
Directed by Ari Folman
Writers Ari Folman (screenplay) & Stanislaw Lem (novel)
Cast Robin Wright, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Harvey Keitel, Paul Giamatti, Danny Huston, Jon Hamm, Francis Fisher and Sami Gayle.
Genre Science fiction, Animation
Filming Dates February - March 2011
Release Date 2013
Budget 9.295.948 €