For Whale Watching in San Diego there is always a blow out sale

So Whale Season is here, and everyone is talking about whale watching in San Diego. But have you seen them?

Don't get me wrong, there are many ways to see the whales in san diego. Sometimes they get so close to the coast off of Point Loma or La Jolla that you can just watch them birch from the shore.

If you don't have a boat and don't want to spend on a tour whale watching then I have some insider tips for you.

Your best bet at seeing these beautiful creatures is at the sandiego cabrillo monument. They have giant binoculars and you will be positioned high above the pacific with a huge range of vision. Come on a clear day and the experience, whales or not, will be sure to blow you away.

You can also take your own boat out or go on a fishing tour. I have seen whales and huge pods of dolphins by accident just off the coast of san diego in my dad's sail boat, my fishing boat or even just surfing!

The odds of randomly seeing whales or dolphins really depends on the season and how their migration is that year. The truth is unless you go with a professional you are taking you chances.

Of course the best way to see whales up close is to take a tour. There are many whale tours available and there rates are always changing. My advice would be to check around the links for the best deal, you are sure to find a blow out sale!

Well your not going to see a whale at your computer, time for you to go whale watching in San Diego!

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