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The Worst Movie EVER! was selected as one of the ten best independent films of 2011 by examiner.com  

The Worst Movie EVER!
(feature) - $12.00

            A robot alien.  Angst-ridden teens.  Cleavage-wielding soul takers.  A dark overlord.  A cross-dressing retard.  A pregnant 14-year-old cougar.  Macho scientists.  Santa Claus.  Yeah, this movie has it all.

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"The Worst Movie EVER!  is a feat that few parodies have ever been able to accomplish.  SciFi will never be the same after the Berggoetz treatment." - Gary Priest, film critic


To Die is Hard (feature) - $12.00

            When terrorists invade a college campus, Dr. Joe McCann shows that he’s not just an English professor, he’s an action hero.  Utilizing a variety of improvised martial arts techniques, Joe begins to pick off the terrorists one by one.  But does Joe have what it takes to take out terrorist mastermind Anton and save the hostages?

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Therapissed (feature) - $12.00

A feature-length comedy about Dr. Mark Jenkins, a psychologist who bullies patients he doesn’t like, flirts with patients he does like, and makes up theories and treatments as he goes.  Dr. Jenkins may be the world’s worst therapist.

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Evil Intent (feature) - $12.00

            A psychological thriller that focuses on a love triangle filled with love, betrayal, insanity, and murder.

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Separate Checks (feature) - $12.00

A feature-length comedy that follows the dating relationship between neurotic Greg and the gorgeous Libby.  Can the relationship survive Greg’s insecurities, poor singing skills, and bad parenting techniques?

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Guernica Still Burning (short) - $9.00

            This 22-minute dramatic film follows one man’s intense spiritual journey.

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LoveSexHate (short) - $9.00

            A 59-minute dramatic film that chronicles the turbulent relationship of Jennifer and Bob as Jennifer deals with her mental illness.

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Bad Movies, Good Showers, and Civil Engineers (short) - $9.00

            This 19-minute comedy follows the conversations simultaneously taking place at four tables in a restaurant.  The conversations range from neurotic to bold, and from silly to almost non-existent.

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