Barack Obama - The Black Kennedy?!
That is the title of the German book "Barack Obama - Der schwarze Kennedy" as read by the author Dr. Christoph von Marschall, Washingon-correspondent for the Berlin "Tagesspiegel." He attracted about 200+ people to the Uni Frankfurt Wed. (Jan. 30th) night to hear his very up-to-date view of the US primaries.          He had a lot to say about both Barack and Michelle Obama -- all of it very positive! - and the contrast with Hillary Clinton. He sees this as a political race based on personality rather than on any major policy differences. In this contest, Barack represents the Future, versus the Clintons.           In reality the Democratic Party can be proud of both of its great candidates. But Sen. Barack Obama is the only person capable of bridging the Dem-Rep. gap and the only one capable of inspiring so many young people, new and Independent voters. This is essential for any democracy, and the time is NOW!           Sen. Obama buttons and bumper stickers changed hands briskly, as many voters were anxious to make a Donation so that they could show their support. There are not that many of us in Frankfurt, but we are growing and show with pride Americans dedication to a new, intelligent and inspiring President-to-be!         I hope all of us will continue to do what we can in all our discussions to win new voters for Barack Obama. Stand Up Now! Barack 'n Roll!!    See you on Feb. 6th at the Dems Abroad meeting in the Upper Westside. And don't forget the big Democratic Debate set this Friday on CNN International - check it out!

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