60 Minutes plans sports version for Showtime

  • CBS' '60 Minutes' will begin producing a new monthy sports magazine show for sister cable network Showtime.


    CBS' '60 Minutes' will begin producing a new monthy sports magazine show for sister cable network Showtime.


CBS' '60 Minutes' will begin producing a new monthy sports magazine show for sister cable network Showtime.

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60 Minutes

newsmagazine plans a spinoff series focused on sports for sibling cable network Showtime.

The new monthly edition, 60 Minutes of Sports, will start in November and include two entirely new segments, a third updated 'classic' segment from the show's archives and an in-studio interview with a sports figure. Both 60 Minutes correspondents and CBS Sports personalities will contribute.

The top-rated prime-time series has aired repeats before, and had a short-lived midweek spinoff on CBS. But this marks the first time the show will produce original content for cable.

"We've always been looking for ways to expand with original cable programming, and Showtime was the perfect fit for so many reasons," says CBS News chairman (and 60 Minutes executive producer) Jeff Fager.

And unlike the current 60 Minutes, the new show will air an hour of programming, as Showtime does not run commercials. No time slot or premiere date was announced.

The show will complement Showtime's sports programming, which includes boxing, Inside the NFL and The Franchise, a baseball documentary series.

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