Watch these now: Falling in Reverse, Burn Halo and Escape the Fate

There's a theme to this week's music video roundup...and the theme is former lead singers in new bands, excessive tattoos and rock. As everyone should know by now, being a good singer/musician only gets you so far in the music biz these days. If you really want to stand out from the millions of bands out there, you gotta dedicate yourself to looking cool, too. With that in mind, here are three recently released videos worth checking out, if not because the dudes in the bands have honed their style, then because they're great songs.

Falling in Reverse, "The Drug In Me Is You"

The title track from their debut album, in stores Tuesday, is a heavy pop-punk song with great guitar riffs. You have to admire dudes in bands who get tattoos on their faces and hands...because they've dedicated themselves to the life. Like, they'll never be cars salesmen, you know? Here's some trivia: ex-Escape the Fate frontman Ronnie Radke somehow started Falling in Reverse while he was in the slammer, during a two and a half year stint (beginning 2008 and ending last December) for some issues involving drugs and battery. Now sober, it's not a huge leap to guess that this music video might have been inspired by Radke's recent experiences.

Burn Halo, "Tear It Down"

Originally conceived of as a radio-friendly rock act, Burn Halo has veered back into the metalcore that lead singer James Hart thrived in when he was in SoCal's Eighteen Visions. (They broke up in 2007.) That grinding, aggressive sound is eagerly displayed in the first single off the band's recently released sophomore album, "Up From the Ashes." What's particularly entertaining about this video is that it reflects what every non-singing band member has probably considered doing at one point or another: Beating the crap out of the lead singer. Fun fact: Hart is straightedge and has the tats to back it up.

Escape the Fate, "Gorgeous Nightmare"

At the risk of committing a total faux pas by mentioning Escape the Fate and Falling in Reverse in not just the same blog post, but the same sentence... For the latest track of the band's radio-friendly, self-titled third album, Escape the Fate created a cinematic haunted horror house focusing on the Seven Deadly Sins and it's every bit as disturbing as you'd expect it to be. Former Blessthefall singer Craig Mabbitt does the honors on this album, having replaced Ronnie Radke (who was kicked out of the band).

About the Author


    Maxine Shen has been writing about music, TV and technology since she joined the Post in 2002. She likes going to concerts where teen fans outnumber adult fans, watching forensic science dramas and playing sci-fi/fantasy RPG video games. She also likes Purell and long walks in the rain.


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