Member Services

Please visit our help section for general information on membership, newsletters, etc. If you cannot find an answer to your question, use this page to contact Member Services to report issues, provide feedback, update account information, and send inquires (i.e. Letter to the Editor, sales and business development opportunities, etc).

Please complete the form below and our Member Services team will assist with your request within 2 business days.

* Indicates required fields.

First Name:
Last Name:
Member ID:
* Your E-mail Address:
(This is where your
response will be sent)
* Retype Your E-mail Address:
* Subject:
(one per submission, please)
* Your Question, Comment,
or Problem:

Please provide as much
detail as possible. Providing
more information enables us
to provide you with an
answer more quickly.

If you have trouble submitting this form, please send an email to or call Member Services at 1-888-506-6098, Monday through Friday 9-6 ET.