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What will your 2013 challenge be...?

Entries for the Edinburgh Marathon, EMF Half, 10k, 5k, Team relay and Junior Races are open for 2013. 

If you've missed out on the marathon and don't want to run for charity, then the half marathon is the next obvious choice. It's fast, it's flat and it follows the full marathon route. Beautifully scenic and perfect for setting a PB.

If you're still not sure and need a little more convincing why not read a few of the 2012 runner's comments here!

Enter 2013 


Set your goal todayCharity marathon places are still available for the Edinburgh Marathon 2013 ....

THE Edinburgh Marathon Festival standard entries for the full marathon are now CLOSED as they have reached capacity.

You can still enter as charity marathon places are available via Macmillan Cancer Support, our Top 5 Affliliated Charities (Alzheimer Scotland, Breast Cancer Care, British Heart Foundation, Maggies Cancer Care Centres and Prostate Cancer UK) and the hundreds of other affiliated Edinburgh Marathon charities.

The International Breakfast Run is now also full as it has reached race capacity.

Entries to the Edinburgh Half Marathon, Team Relay and Saturday races (10k, 5k  and juniors) are also available and will remain open well into 2013. Entries are coming in thick and fast for all the Edinburgh Marathon Festival 2013 race offerings so get in quick to secure your place! To avoid any disappointment please do not delay your entry.


Its Official - Edinburgh is the Fastest Marathon in the UK

The May edition of Runner's World magazine carried out extensive research into which of the 10 most popular marathons for UK runners were the fastest. A single comparison (like average time) could skew the results so Runner's World used 200 different comparisons to establish which was the fastest marathon and the Edinburgh Marathon came out as the fastest marathon in the UK. The course has an elevation drop of almost 40 metres.

We were also rated as the best race of any distance in Scotland in the February edition of Runner’s World magazine. It just goes to prove yet again that the Edinburgh Marathon is a must for anyone looking for a PB or just looking for a great race.