

For email updates on USAID's humanitarian response to the crisis in Syria, sign up for the Assistance to Syrians mailing list.

Numbers At A Glance

6.8 million

People in Need of Humanitarian Assistance in Syria

4.25 million

Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Syria

1.4 million

Syrians Displaced to Neighboring Countries


The United States is committed to helping the innocent children, women, and men affected by the ongoing conflict in Syria.

Four million people in Syria are in need of humanitarian assistance, over 2 million people are internally displaced, and nearly one million people have fled to the neighboring countries. 

Syria Snapshot

The United States is providing food aid, medical supplies, emergency and basic health care, shelter materials, clean water, hygiene education and supplies, and other relief supplies—including blankets and heaters—to help those affected by the crisis in Syria.

In Geneva, Switzerland, at the Syria Humanitarian Forum, U.S. Agency for International Development Assistant Administrator for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance, Nancy Lindborg announced that the United States is providing an additional $19 million in humanitarian assistance in response to urgent needs emanating from the brutal conflict in Syria. On January 29, President Obama announced an additional $155 million to help those suffering inside Syria and refugees in the neighboring countries. Today’s announcement brings the United States total contribution of humanitarian support in response to this crisis to nearly $385 million.














Total U.S. Government (USG) Assistance to the Syria Humanitarian Response


*These figures are current as of May 9, 2013

Key Developments

On May 8, the USG announced $100 million in additional humanitarian assistance to conflict-affected populations both inside Syria and across the region. The support includes approximately $84 million in contributions to the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the U.N. Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) working in Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey to support a range of activities including water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) assistance; child-friendly spaces (CFS); food assistance; protection activities; shelter; education; quick-impact projects; and refugee camp construction. Inside Syria, $16 million in support to U.N. agencies will provide IDPs and other conflict victims with basic necessities, shelter, cash assistance, health care, and protection services.

On April 29, U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres described the potential large-scale use of chemical weapons in Syria as a “devastating scenario,” one in which U.N. agencies would be unable to continue delivering humanitarian aid. The Syrian Arab Republic Government (SARG) and opposition groups have accused each other of using chemical weapons, and the U.N.’s Independent International Commission of Inquiry for Syria is investigating use of chemical weapons by any conflict party.

Increasing numbers of Palestinian refugees are being affected by the Syria conflict, reports UNRWA. Approximately 235,000 Palestinian refugees, nearly half of Syria’s Palestinian refugee population, have been displaced inside Syria as of early May. In late April, conflict in Ein el Tal Palestinian refugee camp displaced nearly the entire population of the camp—6,000 people—in Aleppo Governorate.

Previous Syria Fact Sheets

Fiscal Year 2013

05/09/2013: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #15 [PDF 320KB]

04/26/2013: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #14 [PDF 303KB]

04/12/2013: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #13 [PDF 306KB]

03/28/2013: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #12 [PDF 291KB]

03/14/2013: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #11 [PDF 352KB]

02/28/2013: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #10 [PDF 291KB]

02/19/2013: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #9 [PDF 461KB]

01/30/2013: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #8 [PDF 344KB]

01/17/2013: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #7 [PDF 298KB]

01/03/2013: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #6 [PDF 402KB]

12/12/2012: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #5 [PDF 382KB]

11/21/2012: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #4 [PDF 295KB]

11/09/2012: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #3 [PDF 175KB]

10/25/2012: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #2 [PDF 288KB]

10/12/2012: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #1 [PDF 285KB]


Fiscal Year 2012

09/28/12: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #4 [PDF 169KB]

09/05/12: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #3 [PDF 270KB]

08/24/12: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #2 [PDF 261KB]

08/11/12: Syria Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #1 [PDF 265KB]



Related Sectors of Work 

Last updated: May 10, 2013

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