Leaders' debate: Gripping television, if a little short on excitement

Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg all raised their game but to reach the next level they need a really big name – how about Amanda Holden?

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2010 General Election leaders debate 22 April
Sky TV's Adam Boulton poses the questions to (from left) David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Gordon Brown during the second live leaders election debate. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA

Wow, check out the set. All red and blue and jagged, it looks like the wrecked tail of a British Airways jet. Maybe the volcano got one after all, and the leaders are having their debate in the debris. Even the floral tie of Sky moderator Adam Boulton can't compete for visual impact.

They've learned some lessons from last week. There are fewer anecdotes about meetings with ordinary people, though Nick Clegg met some mechanics in Afghanistan, Gordon Brown some young guys just this morning.

There's less namechecking of questioners, though they all want to call Mary by her name, because she's young and blonde. Clegg makes Mary blush. Brown makes a man yawn.

And Cameron looks straight at the camera this time, because it worked so well for Clegg last week. He gets a little ratty too. It's fierier and hey, we've never got to choose our PM like this. That makes it gripping television.

But Boulton, in his little DJ booth at the front, still doesn't have to do much in the way of moderating, and that says something. A boxing match in which the referee doesn't have to intervene isn't the greatest fight.

This second debate is still too controlled, with too many rules for any spontaneity or real excitement. "This may have the feel of a TV popularity contest," says Brown. Not really Gordon. The audience isn't allowed to stand and cheer, or hiss and shout: "Off, off, off."

Simon Cowell isn't there with his big buzzer, hurrying them off stage when they get boring. Nor Amanda Holden wiping away a tear over the old lady and her £59 a week state pension.

Something to think about for next week's show.

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