American Samoa must consider independence - congressman | Pacific Beat

American Samoa must consider independence - congressman

American Samoa must consider independence - congressman

Updated 18 May 2012, 11:32 AEST

As Samoa prepared to celebrate the 50th anniversary of its independence there's growing concern in its near neighbour, American Samoa for the US territory to consider a move towards autonomy if not independence.

The Governor, Togiola Tulafono is the latest to make the call but not everyone has welcomed it.

Some chiefs and community leaders say the people made it clear in a 2010 constitutional review, that they didn't want to change from their present status.

But the US Congressman representing the territory, Faleomavaega Eni Hunkin has welcomed the governor's statement, saying it is time to seriously look at the options.

Presenter: Campbell Cooney

Speaker: Faleomavaega Eni Hunkin, US Congressman, American Samoa


Campbell Cooney

Campbell Cooney


Campbell joined the ABC in 1997 and has been reporting as Radio Australia’s Pacific Correspondent since 2006.

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