New Song

Listen: Mariah Carey's Empowering Single "The Art of Letting Go"

The lyrics were written to help fans overcome anything "that’s holding them back or bringing them down," the diva wrote on Facebook
  /  November 11, 2013

Having a crummy Monday morning? Lift your spirits with Mariah Carey's stirring new ballad, "The Art of Letting Go." The gospel-tinged anthem of empowerment is the second single and title track off the diva's upcoming 14th LP

Listen here on Mariah's Facebook!

Over subtle piano and strings, Mimi delivers comforting words to anyone struggling to rid themselves of a bad relationship or friend. "Letting go ain't easy / Oh, it's just exceedingly hurtful / 'Cause somebody you used to know / Is flinging your world around," she sings on the chorus, backed by a gospel choir. The track then grows into a full-out showcase of Mariah's legendary vocals, which close out with a long, impressive belted note. That's our girl! 

"This is such a personal record to me," the "#Beautiful" singer wrote on Facebook. "I wrote the lyrics so that anyone and everyone could relate to them and hopefully release anything that they need to let go of that's holding them back or bringing them down."

For more watch Fuse's in-studio interview with Mariah and longtime producer Jermaine Dupri.


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