

2013 Top 25: Spieth arrives, chips in for 1st win

Jordan Spieth had an excellent season and his record-setting win at the John Deere Classic was one of the top moments of the year.

2013 Top 25: Spieth arrives, chips in for 1st win

Jordan Spieth had an excellent season and his record-setting win at the John Deere Classic was one of the top moments of the year.


Stevie has a few things left to say to Tiger

Since the good times between them ended some time ago, Steve Williams has made a few choice remarks about Tiger Woods. While caddie and golfer appeared to make up a few months ago, Stevie says the conversation’s just begun.

Stevie has a few things left to say to Tiger

Since the good times between them ended some time ago, Steve Williams has made a few choice remarks about Tiger Woods. While caddie and golfer appeared to make up a few months ago, Stevie says the conversation’s just begun.


Jack Nicklaus thinks Tom's terrific

Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus personify rivalry in sports, so it makes sense that the two former adversaries would have something to say about Tom Brady vs. Peyton Manning.

Jack Nicklaus thinks Tom's terrific

Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus personify rivalry in sports, so it makes sense that the two former adversaries would have something to say about Tom Brady vs. Peyton Manning.


Nicklaus remembered ‘exactly where I was’ on 11/22

The murder of John F. Kennedy rendered golf, as well as most athletic and other activities, insignificant.

Nicklaus remembered ‘exactly where I was’ on 11/22

The murder of John F. Kennedy rendered golf, as well as most athletic and other activities, insignificant.

No. 21: Guan makes Masters cut after penalty

Before the madness of the weekend, a 14-year-old eighth grader from China was the best story at the game's biggest major.

Top 25, No. 22 : Snow! Floods! Wind! Lightning!

Any discussion of the year in golf must include the wild weather conditions that affected play on almost a weekly basis.

LPGA adds 4 events to total 32 for 2014

An expanded schedule with more playing opportunities in North America highlight commissioner Michael Whan’s announcement at the LPGA’s season-ending Titleholders event.

New rule decided ‘long before Tiger’s issue’

Tiger Woods’ controversial ball-‘oscillating’ penalty at the BMW Championship had nothing to do with the USGA’s new decision regarding the use of video technology.

Lexi cruises, Ko cool in debut, but Gal leads

Sandra Gal steals the show from a star-studded cast of players in the opening round of the LPGA Tour’s season-ending event.

Spieth caps stellar rookie season at Tiger’s tilt

Jordan Spieth will take his place among a select group of PGA Tour pros when he steps in for Brandt Snedeker at the World Challenge hosted by Tiger Woods.

No. 23: Stenson owns PGA and Euro Tour playoffs

A Swede has owned the golf world in the second half of the season, prompting recent debates about whether Henrik Stenson is better than Tiger Woods right now.

Wie: ‘I feel old' next to 16-year-old Lydia Ko

Lydia Ko takes the field for the first time as a golf pro this week in the LPGA Tour’s final event of the 2013 season.

New 'naked eye' golf rule would exonerate Tiger

The USGA and R&A; on Tuesday handed down a slew of decisions involving the use of high-def and slow-mo videos in governing the game of golf.

Chi Chi Rodriguez takes one in the golf balls

Not sure what he was going for here. But it probably wasn't this.

Tale of 2 weekends for AU's Dufner, UGA's English

Two of the SEC's best golfers were on opposite ends of Saturday's wild Auburn-Georgia game, but at least the UGA product walked away with a PGA Tour win.

No. 24: Lydia Ko wins again, turns pro at 16

Lydia Ko, following in Lexi Thompson’s footsteps when she became, in 2012, the youngest golfer to notch an LPGA victory, adds more Ws to her resume this year on her way to turning pro and joining the tour.

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