How to Fix: Your Offseason Guide to Team Wellness

SB Nation: How to fix the Philadelphia Phillies

What went wrong this year and how to make it better -- time to turn your head and cough, Ruben Amaro, Jr.

Dr. SB Nation: How to fix the Seattle Mariners

Continuing our series in which we look at where each team has been and how it might get to where it wants to go. This week, the White Sox get their diagnosis.

Dr. SB Nation: How to fix the Chicago Cubs

Continuing a new series in which we look at where each team has been and how it might get to where it wants to go. This week it's the Cubs' chance to turn their heads and cough.

Dr. SB Nation: How to fix the Minnesota Twins

Continuing a new series in which we look at where each team has been and how it might get to where it wants to go. It's the Twins' turn on the couch.

Dr. SB Nation: How to fix the Miami Marlins

Continuing a new series in which we look at where each team has been and how it might get to where it wants to go. This trip: The Marlins. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

Dr. SB Nation: How to fix the Houston Astros

Beginning a new series in which we look at where each team has been and how it might get to where it wants to go.

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