The catalogue for the Hergé Museum has arrived!

News ~ Monday 18 May 2009

With just a few days to go before the opening of the Hergé Museum (2 June 2009), the catalogue is hot off the press.

The catalogue contains all the important information about the works of Hergé exhibited in the museum. There are those who doubtless think that they know everything there is to know about Hergé and his work as an artist, yet they are certain to be astonished by the discovery of all kinds of jewels in a treasure of virtually limitless abundance.

The catalogue covers the entire range of work created by Hergé, who was, besides the frames and speech bubbles, a phenomenal illustrator and first-rate graphic designer.

As visitors take a journey through the world of Hergé, they will follow a sequence laid out over the eight rooms in the museum: Room 1 - A life's journey; Room 2 - Man of many talents; Room 3 - Family from the drawing board; Room 4 - Cinema!; Room 5 - The laboratory; Room 6 - Dreaming of travel; Room 7 - Studios Hergé;

Room 8 - Hergé acclaimed.

Each chapter is introduced with an article by Dominique Maricq (archivist from Studios Hergé) which is presented in three languages (French, Dutch and English). Each document and image is reproduced with the utmost fidelity. The chapters are peppered with quotes from Hergé himself, some of which are hitherto unknown, and which open a door to the very personal dimension of a work which became a global phenomenon. The foreword to the catalogue was written by Fanny Rodwell, and speaks of her commitment to Hergé's work and artistic legacy, and her persistence over time and in the face of obstacles.

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