The advantages of Membership with Local 892, Costume Designers Guild, representing Costume Designers, Assistant Costume Designers and Costume Illustrators include the following:

Fair Wages and Decent Working Conditions

Health and Welfare Benefits: A choice of medical plans paid for by your employer in accordance with our agreements. Members employed under the Motion Picture Basic Agreement are covered under the Motion Picture Health, Welfare and Pension Plans. Motion Picture Industry Pension & Health Plan

Safer Working Conditions: State and federal safety laws enforced at all times. Your health and well being on the job is a priority. the motion picture industry and the IATSE are currently involved in providing the safety passport program, which enables our members to take safety classes required to work in their particular craft. Once a member has completed the classes, the passport may allow the member to use this training for employment within the various studios.

Standardized Procedures for Dispute Resolution and Grievances: Executive Director, Assistant Executive Director and legal counsel are available to respond to serious problems in the workplace. Local 892 is well prepared to handle work related grievances such as pay disputes, health and safety concerns, discrimination, harassment, etc.

Representation on the State and National Level by Professional Union Lobbyists: Looking out for your interests, in areas such as safety working conditions, wages and workers’ rights. IATSE

Like most unions, we are a democratically run organization that not only encourages, but also requires the active participation of its members for success. A union is only as strong as the commitment of its members. In the final analysis, joining Local 892 provides an opportunity to form important professional and lifelong personal relationships with other artists who share not only a common livelihood, but also common interests and concerns as well.
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