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Ray Charles 
Ray Charles
Number of games in database: 1
Years covered: 2002

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(born Sep-23-1930, died Jun-10-2004, 73 years old) United States of America

[what is this?]
Born in Albany Georgia, later moved to Greenville, Florida. In 1936 he contracted glaucoma and eventually left him blind for life. It was while he was attending St. Augustine's School for the Deaf and Blind that Ray excelled at a variety of musical instruments--yes, piano included. Ray released a number of records in the early years, but his first big break came in 1952 when he signed on with Atlantic Records.

Ray was known to be a chess fan and often played against fellow band members, friends, and even at times interviewers. Ray's chess board was designed so that each square has the same color, but the 'dark' squares were slightly elevated and the 'light' squares were slightly lowered. Each square also had a hole in which to fit the pieces, in the style of traveling sets. The dark pieces' tops had sharper edges in comparison to the whites.

He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1986 and his chess set was displayed there until September 5th, 2005.

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Game  ResultMoves Year Event/LocaleOpening
1. Ray Charles vs Larry Evans 0-124 2002 Chess Life InterviewC47 Four Knights

Kibitzer's Corner
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Jun-10-04  e4Newman: Long live the memory of a great man and his great works!
Jun-11-04  iron maiden: Hats off to the Player of the Day (although more for his music than his chess). Rest in peace.
Premium Chessgames Member
  cu8sfan: Long live the blues! Rest in peace, Ray.
Jun-11-04  Spitecheck: My hat's off to him as well for his part in Please (You got that need...).


Jun-11-04  HailM0rphy: Not a better choice for player of the day considering what happend..I'd acctually be suprised if he wasn't player of the day :)
Premium Chessgames Member
  Geronimo: Rest in Peace, Genius Ray.
Jun-11-04  Cecil Brown: I saw a documentary on Willie Nelson a year or two ago.

He and Ray recorded a few songs together in the 1980's, 'Seven Spanish Angels' being a personal favouite.

Anyway, there was some footage of Ray and Willie on stage together, and Willie tells the audience "After last nights gig we went back to Ray's room and he and I played chess. If you want to know who won, well Ray did. But next time we're going to turn the lights on".

Even Ray laughed at that one.

Premium Chessgames Member
  arielbekarov: Ray Charles ! I am very sad that you have left us, BUT, real artists do never die, so, thank you for what you are giving us, because your voice continues to sound eternally ! Ariel
Premium Chessgames Member
  arielbekarov: <Cecil Brown> Great honoring of a great artist ! This is a nice way to remember great people ! The story that you have shared with us is really great ! Thank you !
Warm sense of humour is always helpful, even when a person leaves this world. Ariel
Jun-11-04  Cecil Brown: <arielbekarov> Thanks. I thought it was a nice moment when I saw it. And chess related too.
Jun-11-04  capanegra: I remember when Ray Charles came to Uruguay about ten years ago to give a concert. I went to see him, and will never forget his big smile, his tenderness with the people, and how sweet was his performance of "Georgia on my Mind".
Jun-11-04  GufeldStudent: What happened? I haven't heard any news of his death.
Jun-11-04  Bobsterman3000: Ray died of complications from liver disease, according to
Jun-11-04  notsodeepthought: Willie Nelson in today's USA Today, remembering Ray Charles: "He could kick my ass at chess any day!" A great way to remember him, and an original one since every other interview focussed (understandably, but also predictably) on his music.
Sep-23-04  aw1988: Today is Ray Charles' birthday!
Jan-23-05  dac1990: Anyone willing to do a bio for Ray?
Jan-23-05  Morphy Fan: Plenty of bios on the web - here's one: c/Raycharles/ray_charles.htm

amazing that there is a site called "findadeath"!

Mar-11-05  underrated: i hope that thats not a clip from the movie and a real picture of the great musician legend...please...
Mar-11-05  dac1990: That is, in fact, the real Ray Charles, and not Jamie Foxx.
Aug-04-05  Kingsandsquares: I am sorry but that is a picture of Jamie Foxx.

Can someone please change it??

Premium Chessgames Member
  WannaBe: Ray Charles, b. Sept 23,1930 - d. June 10 2004.

Born in Albany Georgia, later moved to Greenville, Florida. In 1936 he contracted glaucoma and eventually left him blind for life.

It was while he was attending St. Augustine's School for the Deaf and Blind that Ray excelled a variety of musical instruments, yes, piano included.

Ray did release a number of records in the early years, but the big one came in 1952 when he signed on with Atlatic Records.

Ray was known to be a chess fan and often played against fellow band members, friends, and even at times interviewers. (See the above game.)

One unique thing about Ray's chess board was that each square has the same color, but the 'dark' squares were slightly elevated and the 'light' squares were slightly lowered. Each square also had a holes on the bottom to fit the pieces into, much like a traveling chess set of the old days.

The dark pieces' top had sharper edges in comparison to the whites.

He was inducted into the R&R Hall of Fame in 1986 and his chess set will be displayed there until Sept 5th 2005.

Premium Chessgames Member
  arielbekarov: <Wanna Be> This one is an excellent profile!

<> Here is the profile for our beloved Ray Charles written by Wanna Be!

Thank you!

Premium Chessgames Member
  WannaBe: Nice photo... that's the real McCoy, aye? What year is that ?! Circa 1950's ???

<arielbekarov> Grammar and punctuations needs to be edited in that profile. But glad you like it. :)

Premium Chessgames Member Ladies and gentlemen... the REAL Ray Charles. (circa 1967)
Premium Chessgames Member
  Calli: <Chessgames> Can you play "Georgia" when the page is opened?
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