The Best of Me

release date:October 17, 2014
running time:117 min.
director:Michael Hoffman
studio:Entertainment One
producer(s):Denise Di Novi, Ryan Kavanaugh, Alison Greenspan, Nicholas Sparks, Theresa Park
screenplay:Will Fetters, J. Mills Goodloe, Michael Hoffman
cast:Michelle Monaghan, James Marsden, Luke Bracey, Liana Liberato, Caroline Goodall, Gerald McRaney
inspiration:Nicholas Sparks
Current Tribute rating: Current rating: 4.29    Rate Movie     User Reviews

The Best of Me Movie Synopsis

Former high school sweethearts Dawson (James Marsden) and Amanda (Michelle Monaghan) reunite after 20 years apart when they return to their small town for the funeral of the man who took Dawson in when he needed refuge from his violent family.

The two parted when Amanda's parents refused to pay for college if she continued to see Dawson. Realizing she was in danger from his family and not wanting her to miss out on college, he broke up with her. Although she moved on and got married, the memory of her never left him and he remained single.

Their bittersweet reunion reignites the love they've never forgotten, but his family continues to pose a threat, and although Amanda has stayed with her alcoholic husband for her children's sake, she can't ignore the fact that Dawson is her one true love.

Based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks.

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  One of my the movies I saw this year I don't often rate movies but thought this move deserved it a 5*