The War with Spain in 1898

U of Nebraska Press, 1981 - 654页
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"The book's virtues are many: the author's often persuasive judgments, the scrupulous care with which he treats sources, the illuminating integration of American, Spanish, Cuban, and Filipino perspectives. . . . This is, in sum, a work that will long remain the major reference volume on the war of 1898".-American Historical Review. "[Trask] examines many of the political and geographical ramifications so often overlooked in popular histories. This is all deftly presented and the battle scenes are exciting".-Library Journal. "Remember the Maine!" The war cry spread throughout the United States after the American battleship was blown up in Havana harbor on February 15, 1898. Americans, already sympathetic with Cuba's struggle for independence from Spain, demanded action. Brief and decisive, not too costly, the Spanish-American War made the United States a world power. David F. Trask's War with Spain in 1898 is a cogent political and military history of that "splendid little war". It describes the failure of diplomacy; the state of preparedness of both sides; the battles, including those of Theodore Roosevelt and his Rough Riders; the enlargement of conflict to rout the Spanish from Puerto Rico and the Philippines; and the misconceptions surrounding the war. Chief historian at the U.S. Army Center for Military History, David F. Trask is also the author of The AEF and Coalition Warmaking, 1917-1918.

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第266页 - The fleet under my command offers the nation as a Fourth of July present the whole of Cervera's fleet.
第186页 - I ran at full speed to our train ; and leaving a strong guard with the baggage, I double-quicked the rest of the regiment up to the boat, just in time to board her as she came into the quay, and then to hold her against the Second Regulars and the Seventy-first, who had arrived a little too late, being a shade less ready than we were in the matter of individual initiative.
第421页 - This city, its inhabitants, its churches and religious worship, its educational establishments, and its private property of all descriptions, are placed under the special safeguard of the faith and honor of the American Army.
第606页 - It is hardly too much to say the interests of civilization are bound, up in the direction the relations of England and America are to take in the next few months. The state of feeling here is the best I have ever known. From every quarter, the evidences of it come to me. The royal family, by habit and tradition, are most careful not to break the rules of strict neutrality, but even among them I find nothing but hearty kindness, and — so far as is consistent with propriety — sympathy. Among the...
第28页 - McKinley is, weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd, besides being a would-be politician who tries to leave a door open behind himself while keeping on good terms with the jingoes of his party.
第508页 - Message of the President of the United States communicated to the two houses of Congress at the beginning of the First Session of the Fifty-ninth Congress" (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1906).
第241页 - ... entanglement, and beyond which there was a high hill, along the crest of which the enemy was strongly posted. Nothing daunted, these gallant men pushed on to drive the enemy from his chosen position, both divisions losing heavily.
第181页 - Everywhere we saw the Stars and Stripes, and everywhere we were told, half -laughing, by grizzled exConfederates that they had never dreamed in the bygone days of bitterness to greet the old flag as they now were greeting it, and to send their sons, as now they were sending them, to fight and die under it.
第53页 - If this measure attains a successful result, then our aspirations as a Christian, peace-loving people will be realized. If it fails, it will be only another justification for our contemplated action.
第409页 - In my opinion, these people are far superior in their intelligence and more capable of self-government than the natives of Cuba, and I am familiar with both races.


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作者简介 (1981)

Chief historian at the U.S. Army Center for Military History, David F. Trask is also the author of The AEF and Coalition Warmaking, 1917?1918.
