W3Cook-Usage Trends and Market Share Recipes of the World Wide Web
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W3Cook FAQ

How does W3Cook gather and process information?

We crawl the websites once a month and process the information and generate analytics information from the data. Each site has some information about it in its contents, DNS records and so on. For example, you can generate metadata about a site that uses CloudFlare by looking at its name servers.

How often do you crawl?

We crawl each domain name only once a month to avoid being rude to the domain name owner.

Which websites do you analyze and crawl?

We currently crawl the Alexa top million sites.

How do I get notified of custom alerts?

Currently, we have no way of automatically notifying you of alerts. This functionality will soon come though. If you want monthly alerts, please notify us of what kind of alert and what information you want (using the email address in the footer) and we will make it happen. We may charge a small fee for this.

I want to buy your data. How do I do that?

We have the following kinds of data:
  • Domain Names: We have large lists of domain names using a technology. We also have lists of domain names which changed or started using a technology.
  • Usage By Country: We display the top 10 countries which have the highest usage of a technology. You may want the complete list.
  • Yearly Reports: You may want to see historical reports of a technology or a domain name. We can provide that
  • Traffic Reports: You may be interested in finding out what percent of high traffic sites use a technology.
  • Changes: You may be interested in finding out a trend in the changes. For e.g. how many times do domain names change from CentOS to Debian in the past years.
  • Custom Reports: We can generate custom reports for you. For e.g., you might be interested in finding out how many domain names use both WordPress and GoogleAnalytics. We can generate such custom reports.
If you are interested in any kind of custom reports, please contact us with the email address info AT w3cook.com. We may charge a small fee for this functionality.

How accurate is the data?

We crawl the HTTP headers, the content of the page, DNS records, WHOIS information and other sources to generate analytics. Our data is fairly accurate, but there may be discrepencies of the magnitude of 0.001% which is unavoidable.

How often are reports updated?

We update reports once a month. We start data collection on the 1st of every month and it completes in a week or two. The current months data is available the beginning of the next month.

I feel that a technology I own is misrepresented.

If you feel that a technology you own has incorrect information in market share or other reports, please contact us immediately with the technology name, an example domain using it and we will look into it ASAP.

Your report is different from another report.

There are many analytics reporting companies like Netcraft that do similar things. If you find significant differences, please contact us and we will look into it ASAP.

How do I contact you?

Please use the email address info AT w3cook.com for all comments and suggestions. We especially like comments with suggestions of new web technologies that we can review and include in our analytics.

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Contact: infoATw3cook.com

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