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Published: Thursday August 20, 2015 MYT 7:09:00 PM
Updated: Thursday August 20, 2015 MYT 7:22:15 PM

Pro-govt group plans anti-Bersih rally on Aug 29

PETALING JAYA: In an attempt to counter the Bersih 4.0 rally on Aug 29 and 30 at Dataran Merdeka, a pro-Barisan Nasional group plans to stage its own gathering on the same dates.

The Himpunan Solidariti Untuk Mu Malaysia (Solidarity gathering for you Malaysia) aims to gather about 10,000 people at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), a few kilometres from Dataran Merdeka.

Its chairman Zulkarnain Mahdar said they will have a ceramah by an anti-violence activist, apart from marching on the streets with banners and posters depicting #KamiSayangMalaysia. They also hope to pass a memorandum to the Prime Minister’s representative on the pledge to the King and country.

“It should be remembered that Bersih’s slogan this time shows its intention to provoke the people by putting slogans like #TangkapNajib and #NajibRasuah.

“By linking those slogans to the RM2.6bil donation and making it as the theme of the rally, then it is a lie. It has been verified by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission that the money is not a bribe but a donation or political funding allowed by the law.

“The 1Malaysia Development Berhad is undergoing investigations by responsible authorities. The question is, on what reason you can support Bersih’s slogan of #TangkapNajib,” said Zulkarnain.

The organisers of Bersih 4.0 had proposed to hold the rally at Padang Merbok or Dataran Medeka.

Bersih 2.0 chairman Maria Chin Abdullah told reporters recently that they had been informed earlier that the dates fixed for the rallies were free of events at the intended venues.

City police and Kuala Lumpur City Hall have not given the greenlight to Bersih 4.0 to go ahead with the rally.

Tags / Keywords: Barisan Nasional, Bersih 4 0, Rally


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