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In memory of all those from all nations who fought in the First World War.

Welcome to the Coldplay Timeline

The Coldplay Timeline is a living history of the band, from their first rehearsal in 1998 to the present day. It allows you to relive their story via exclusive videos, audio, photos, blogs, interviews and handwritten notes.

There are two ways to use the site. You’ll begin at the chronological Timeline view, where you can scroll down through the years. Or, switch to Map view and see all the items with locations mapped out.

On both views, you can filter by Category and/or by Era – allowing you to search for, say, all of the video content from the X&Y era.

You can add to the Timeline too, by uploading your pictures from shows you’ve attended. We’ll also add more content over the coming days, weeks and months.

We really hope you enjoy exploring the Timeline. But if you spot any issues – or just want to give us some feedback – then drop us a line via the Contact form.