Kimora Lee Simmons, Djimon Hounsou Name Son Kenzo

06/03/2009 at 10:05 AM ET
Johnny Nunez for OK! for use on CBB

Update: Kenzo Lee Hounsou weighed in at 8 lbs. and was 20 inches long at birth, Kimora shares via Twitter. The New York Daily News reports that the couple was inspired by Japanese fashion icon Kenzo Takada when choosing the moniker.

Originally posted May 31st: The blue team has, indeed, grown by one! Kimora Lee Simmons and partner Djimon Hounsou are the proud parents of a brand new baby boy, Kimora’s rep confirms. According to the statement,

“Kimora and Djimon’s son was born Saturday morning, May 30th.”

Her labor and delivery were chronicled via Twitter, with Kimora tweeting shortly after 1 a.m., “It’s time!! No turning back! At hospital in labor right now!!” Two hours later the 34-year-old Baby Phat CEO and TV personality followed up with a photo, adding, “Having contractions now! Ooo-wee! It’s like WHOA!”

Baby boy’s name and birth stats are yet to be revealed, but Kimora has updated with a new tweet, saying, “It’s a boy! Thanks to everyone out there for all your well wishes! More to come. Thank God. And God Bless! Kimora + Djimon.”

The new baby joins Kimora’s two daughters Ming Lee, 9, and Aoki Lee, 6 ½, from a previous marriage to Russell Simmons.

Sources: Twitter

FILED UNDER: Births , Dads , News

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Michelle on

Congratulations to them!! I can’t wait to hear the name and see a picture! :)

S.A.M on

I love Kimora…Congrats!
I’m sure their son will be a gorgeous chocolate prince….can’t wait to see a pic…

S.A.M on

I wonder if she will name him an Asian name to match her daughters’?

Can’t wait to hear what it is..

Crystal on

I heard she was in labor from a different celebrity site. I’m SOOOO EXCITED!!!! I bet their little boy is BEAUTIFUL!!! CONGRATS Kimora and Djimon!!! I can’t wait to see the little guy!!!

Emma on

You go on twitter while giving birth?? Really? Is that where we are now?? Good god!

Anyways… congrats to them!

Mommy Duty on

Hurray for Team Blue! I can’t wait to see him.

kai on

haha, thanks for saying that emma, my exact thought. Not to take anything away from the joyous news, but COME ON! and with a photo!

anyway, congrats!

Chelsea on

Aww, a boy! That’s wonderful news! Congrats to the happy couple!

Asheley on

you think thats bad about twitter?! i have many friends who are on Facebook until they have to push!!!

Asheley on


Amanda on

My thoughts exactly Emma. I barely knew my own name while in labor,haha. Of course if she had an epidural, she may have had some ‘down’ time, and was able to. I did with my daughter, and there was alot of just laying there, waiting to dialate since you arent thinking about the pain. With my son it was natural and I wouldnt have even been able to (twitter) if I wanted to, very fast labor.

Congrats to Kimora. Yes, she’s a little over the top but I love her and her girls are adorable. Ming is her mini-me, and Aoki looks just like Russell. I wonder if she’ll continue with the Lee theme?

brannon on

cant wait to see him – im sure he is stunning! bet those are some very excited little girls! (and i think the twittering is fun – good to share in your excitement :)

Anna on

The twitter thing seemed very strange to me too…

But, congrats! I am very curious about the name because her daughters’ name really match but now with another man I’m curious if his name will match the girls’ or be completely different.

J on

I was thinking the same thing, Emma.

Ann on


christina on

I think the Twittering is great — the way of the future!
Very happy for them!!

Tina on

If I would’ve had access to a computer while in the labor/delivery room, I would’ve been online for sure! I had lots of time once the epidural kicked in. That was before Facebook & Twitter though. My first thought when I walked into the delivery room (4.5 years ago) was ‘wait a minute…there’s no TV in here!’ I didn’t want to miss the Canadian Idol finale! I had been at the hospital for an appointment & ended up going into labor so I didn’t have my overnight bag, my camera or my show taped!! Oh the memories :)

Mia on

I just read the news on just jared, and rushed on here to see if its posted as breaking news-and it is! Congrats to the family! Can’t wait to see any pics/or hear details. I bet the new baby boy is adorable.

CelebBabyLover on

It sounds like Kimora DIDN’T have an Epidural, as she seemed to indicate that she was feeling the contractions. Anyway, congrats to her and Dijmon!

erin h on

Congrats! Can’t wait to hear the name and see some pictures. He will be gorgeous, just like his parents!

Nika on

But what I really don’t get, why is she still called Simmons? And is Lee her surname, so do her daughters have her surname or is it like a middlename and do they also have their fathers last name. Okay, this is getting a bit complicated, sorry. But I just never heard of them before otherwise I probably would have know.

Anyway, congratulations on your new baby boy!!

Stephany on

Congrats to them! That’s exciting. I think it’s hilarious she was on Twitter while in labor!!!

Chris on

Congratulations to Kimora and Djimon! I’m sure the baby is gorgeous and will have a very nice name!

Nika: Kimora’s “brand” is Baby Phat by KLS, so I think she will still use Simmons/KLS for her professional endeavors. Plus, her children have the Simmons name so she probably wants to keep it. She often calls her daughters Ming Lee and Aoki Lee so it seems like Lee is part of their first name or maybe their middle name but Simmons is their last name. (Kind of like Sarah Jessica Parker, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Jennifer Love Hewitt.)

Michelle on

You know what makes me happy? Knowing that Kimmora (Miss Fabulosity, herself) is wearing the same style of hospital gown that I wore for labor and delivery. Same plaid pattern and everything. Was I getting the celebrity treatment and I didn’t even know it?

Congratulations to the whole family.

L on

Ahhh yay congrats you two im sure he is just as gorgeous as ever & I know Ming & Aoki are probably so happy about being big sisters!!

Nika on

Thanks Chris, I totally understand now.. and now I also finally know what she is known for, I did see some pictures of her earlier.

aroundthewaygirl on

Many women use their married name for professional purposes when divorced from said husband. Bianca Jagger. Susan Surandon. Some want to keep the same name as their children. Pamela Anderson Lee became Pamela Lee Anderson after her divorce from Tommy Lee. No need for Kimora to stop using Simmons and Djimon clearly doesn’t have a problem with her keeping her married name. I can’t wait to see the name of the little guy. Maybe something of Asian origin? Maybe something of African origin. Maybe a combination of both? Whatever the name, I’m sure it will be a terrific fit for the baby.

christyjolie on

I always say he looks like an african brad pitt.

Moore on

I heard about this early yesterday and was waiting to hear the delivery news. I’d probably twitter too if I were her. Its a quick way to let tons of people know whats going on at once instead of having to send texts or call people esp. as a celeb. I wonder what her little guy’s name will be and if it will be inspired by his daddy. How sweet for this family.

T on

They want to share their joy with their fans…I see nothing wrong with them Twittering. And I’m sure it helps pass the time and its something to focus on besides labor pains :-)

anna on

congrats to kimora, dijimon and the girls and i cant wait to see the name baby and hear his name.

NLT on

BTW, you can Twitter and Facebook from your cell phone. You don’t need a computer.

tracey on

I gave birth to my baby girl about 11 days ago — and I twittered also!! I didn’t realise I was in labour (my second child, too) and was just updating as I went, as per usual.. lol. I think it’s great because so many of my friends could follow and keep track. I twittered from my iPod Touch until we left for the hospital. My iPod Touch also had a contraction timer on it, so I kept it in hand while I was labouring at home.

Congrats to Kimora & Djimon!

Rach on

LOL, I was on msn and facebook and watching movies on my laptop when I was being induced.Only did I stop when I started to vomit everywhere. I don’t see why everyone thinks that it is a problem her twittering.If you have ever had a baby, you know that it doesn’t go as fast most of the time like in the movies. Your are sitting there,bored,annoyed and in discomfort. I highly recommend taking something to occupy you. Plus it was great for my hubby and friend during my catnaps to play solitare etc to pass the time.

LOL, I just love that there is no “celebrity hospital gown” heh and she is wearing on of those crappy ones that we all end up wearing (or in my case 2 counting the one I wore to cover my bum lol).

Aitch CS on

I had a feeling they would have a boy. The little girls must be really happy!

Alysse on

Congratulations to Kimora on the birth of her son. I can’t
wait to hearing the name and other details about the baby.

Mary on

Congrats to them! I can’t wait to see what he looks like and hear what his name is. Aoki’s finally a middle child lol!

Lizzy on

Congrats to her…does anyone know why her daughters don’t have the Simmons last name?

Diane on

Yes, Congratulations to all of them on their new addition. I am fascinated by Kimora and her family..One thing that still puzzles me, I know that when Kimora & Russell Simmons’s divorce became final in February, part of it was that Kimora received 100% custody of Ming & Aoki..From what I have read and seen, Russell seems to adore his two daughters, so why would you give up custody, even though the girls would live with Kimora anyways? Why not joint custody? He also is paying child support until the girls are 18… Any thoughts…

Lioness on

Lizzy, Kimora’s girls do have the Simmons last name, Lee is their middle name- full names are Ming Lee Simmons and Aoki Lee Simmons. Congrats to the family, I’m very curious about what she’s named him. Time will tell!

Monique7 on

Congrats to Kimora and Djimon. I’m sure he is a beautiful baby boy :)

FC on

I’m sure she had one of her assistants doing the typing for her. I can’t see her doing that and focusing on birthing a child. That’s just me.

Anyway, congrats to her and Djimon on their son! I figured with the blue-themed shower, it was bound to be a boy. Can’t wait to see him and hear of his name.

CelebBabyLover on

FC- Why would she have had an assistant in the delivery room? I would think that she would want the birth of her child to be for her and Dijmon’s eyes only (well, and for the doctors and nurses eyes, obviously!).

Also, some other posters on here have said that they twittered or facebooked while in labor…and they almost certainly don’t have personal assistants!

Genise on

Welcome into the world Kenzo Lee Hounsou. Kimora’s + Djimon’s baby boy was born on Saturday May, 30th. He was 8 lbs and 20 inches.

Reyes Phile on

Lovely name :)

L on

Interesting name…yet not to out of the ordinary..although it may be japanese it still sounds african in a sense to me..cant wait to see this gorgeous little guys!

Lissette on

I like the name! Congrats to them! I’m sure her daughters are having a fun time with their new baby brother!

scherriea on

i love the name..i know the babe is gorgeous..can’t wait to get a glimpse of him

Hannah London on

That is a very good name. Congrats!

brannon on

LOVE the name. Perfect.

Sanne on

Cute name! Especially with Lee… Good choice Djimon and Kimora. Enjoy your new family of five, congrats from the Netherlands!

Lacey on

Congratulations Kimora and Djimon!
FC-While in was in active labor I was texting my family. I don’t see why you don’t think Kimora needed an assistant.

erin h on

Congrats again! And I like the name Kenzo!

Brooke on

The name totally works for them. I really kind of like it.

babyboopie on

AW! I thought they’d name him something like Keiji!

Sarah M. on

The name fits right in. Congrats on what must be a gorgeous baby!

Hilda on

LOVE THE NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Perfect mix of the 2 of them!

K on

Im sooooooooooooooo very happy for you Kimora,Djimon,Ming,Aoki and Kenzo :) Stay blessed and much love.Your BIGGEST fan and supporter K.

daniela on

Not a fan of the name, but congratulations to the family! I think it’s sweet that he has two older sisters to protect and look up to! :)

eva on

The name fits the family, I really like it. It’s different and meaningul for them.I’m sure Kenzo will be as cute as his sisters.

Christina on

Love the name! Can’t wait the see the little prince.

anna on

i love his name it is so cute.!!!!!!!!!

Daniella on

I like the name, especially given Kimora’s heritage. It’s a nice traditional Japanese name that goes well with the names of his older sisters.

Marilyn on

I like the name Kenzo. It sounds African, even though the baby was named after a Japanese man. Maybe it isn’t a Japanese name, I’m not sure, but it sounds nice.

Leyla on

Yes, Kenzo is a Japanese name. It can mean different things depending on the kanji used. Kenzo Takada uses the kanji 賢三. 賢 means virtuous or worthy. 三 means three. Kimora and Djimon were inspired by his name so I guess this meaning applies for their son’s name as well. I hope that helps.

Lorena on

I don’t like the name. It seems girly to me because it’s the name of the perfume line and I imagine all those pefume bottles with flowers and stuff.

Leyla on

Kenzo may sound feminine to you and others, but no Japanese parent would give their daughter this name! :)

Allison on

Not a big fan of the first name, but love that they kept the “Lee” tradition with their baby boy’s middle name. Best wishes to the whole family!

Laila on

Like the name however this is the “classic” example of women who have children with different partners. It gets so confusing for the children when they get to school. Your last name is different from your siblings. I realize her daughters have the name of her ex-husband but it’s just better when everyone in the family shares the same last name. Oh well, what can you do!

anna on

On its own, I like the name Kenzo a lot, I’m just not sure whether I like it together with the surname. I don’t know, maybe I’m just not pronouncing Hounsou correctly.

Mel on

I think that name is very fitting. Although it’s Japanese name it sounds/seems like a nice blend with something African. Love it. Different but cool.

eva on

Laila, kids are more intelligent than you seem to think.I have siblings with a different last name and no one was confused or distressed at school.We were siblings and loved each other,a last name isn’t the center of any child’s world.

crimpe on

I love his name. Very interesting to have both a Japanese and Korean name. Our children have Japanese middle names, and my third son’s middle name is Keizo. The “zo” means three, designating my son as third. Just as little Kenzo is the third in his crew! The entire meaning depends on how they choose to spell Kenzo in Japanese…typically it either means intelligent/wise, healthy, or humble. All of which are lovely.

leah on

Laila, what exactly would you suggest they do? Change the last names of the first two kids? Give the third one Russel’s last name? Of course not – neither of those make any sense. Of course in an ideal world every marriage would be happy and last forever, but that’s not reality. People get divorced. People have children with more than one father or mother and different last names. It happens.

Jane on

I prefer the name Kenzo than Aoki and Ming. Can’t wait to see the baby.

Andrea_momof2 on

Laila, what an odd comment. How is it “better” when they all have the same last name? They all have the same mother and are surely loved by her, a last name is just another name. I’m just confused at where this random-ness comes from!

Stella Bella on

Love the name they chose for him!

Leyla on

eva, I agree with everything you said.

FC on

The assistant thing was just a thought, a comment. I’m saying if it was me, I just wouldn’t be worrying about anything like Twitter. Then again, Kimora is a one-woman dynasty and she can multitask with the best of them. Props to her. End of story.

Anyway, the baby’s name is nice. It’s a nice blend of both Kimora and Djimon.

Mrs. R. on

Cute name! And his measurements exactly matched my daughter’s! What fun!

Ashley on

By the time Kenzo is in elementary school, both girls will be in middle or high school. I don’t think having different last names is going to confuse their peers.

Kerri on

Love the name! Kenzo is awesome.

Sam & Freya's Mum on

Like the name, agree with someone else’s post, who said they preferred his name to the girls’ names, I do too. cute, and can picture a Kenzo who’s older too. Congrats to his happy parents!

kelly on

Great name!!!

Mia on

Cute, I think its fits the family well! I wonder if they will call him Kenny for short? I bet the baby is gorgeous.

HeatherR on

Love love love the name! Leave it to Kimora to come up with something *fabulous* :)

Laura on

It reminds me of the show “My Family”, and Janey’s son Kenzo. :) I’d never heard of it before that sitcom and I remember thinking it was an odd name at the time, but I think it actually goes well with Kimora’s daughters’ names.

CelebBabyLover on

I love how they kept the “Lee” tradition! :)

Alice on

Thanks Leyla and crimpe for the info about the name Kenzo and Japanese names! It’s a lovely name and I love how he will also share the same middle name with his sisters!

Rita on

Lorena, Kenzo is indeed the name of a perfume line but it´s also the name of the designer who made it, who happens to be a man. Kenzo is a male japanese name.
I love the name and I think blends very well with Ming and Aoki.

yahookid on

love the pictures of the kids..


Stephany on

I love the name! It fits perfectly with Ming and Aoki! I can’t wait to see pictures of him.

Alex on

Kenzo is the only name I like from her kids. Congrats to them!

Erika on

Congratulations to Kimora and Djimon on the safe arrival of Kenzo…
Ming & Aoki must be really excited to have a baby brother!!
Hope the coming days are full of fabulosity, health and good spirits for you all!!
Kimora, as usual you looked absolutely stunning, even from your hospital bed!!!! All the pain must be totally worth it.
Love and best wishes to you all!!!!

Tanaadei on

Congratulations from London

Ming Lee and Aoki Lee must be so happy to have a baby brother.

I was wondering whether the baby would have a Japanese or African name.

Like the Japanese, Africans can be very traditional.

But Kenzo has a blend of both (very clever!)

Can’t wait to see pictures!!!

lani on

congratulations to kimora and fams. i bet her son is beautiful.


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