The Hunger Games: Songs from District 12 and Beyond Image

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  • Summary: The Hunger Games soundtrack produced by T-Bone Burnett includes songs by Arcade Fire, Birdy, Carolina Chocolate Drops, Neko Case, The Civil Wars, The Decemberists, Jayme Dee, Glen Hansard, Kid Cudi, Miranda Lambert, The Low Anthem, Maroon 5, Punch Brothers, The Secret Sisters, and Taylor Swift.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Mar 22, 2012
    The Hunger Games: Songs from District 12 and Beyond would be an impressive collection even if it weren't associated with one of 2012's most anticipated films, but the care put into the soundtrack makes it an experience that much richer for fans of the books, the movie, and any of the artists here.
  2. Mar 26, 2012
    They consistently hit on the themes that have made The Hunger Games such a broadly appealing and resonant work, making for a soundtrack that reflects favorably on the film and which stands entirely on its own merits.
  3. 75
    Far more engaging are the artists who imagine they've seen Katniss' future, and all they can say is "Go back."
  4. Mar 22, 2012
    Too often the pervasive mournfulness tilts more maudlin than high-lonesome.
  5. Mar 29, 2012
    The T-Bone Burnett-produced album admirably employs a nuanced approach and a consistent tone rather than using the opportunity to cash in on the film's young core audience.
  6. Apr 2, 2012
    None of these songs will top the charts, and none of them are very immediate, but they work together like a well-oiled machine that delivers a relatively accurate depiction of how you might feel while reading the book or watching the film.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Feb 21, 2013
    Got this album after reading the books and seeing the movie, and can't be happier I did. First purchased it mostly because of the TaylorGot this album after reading the books and seeing the movie, and can't be happier I did. First purchased it mostly because of the Taylor Swift and Kid Cudi songs, but now like the other songs just as much, or probably more. The lyrical content and feel of the songs fit perfectly with the books. With the exception of one song, I LOVE every song on this album. If you are a fan of the Hunger Games books or movie, I strongly recommend this collection. However, I would disagree with Josh_47ra in his saying that the songs are mostly pop. A few are, but I definitely don't get a "pop" feeling from the album. Nonetheless, whatever your musical tastes, give it a listen. You will like it! Expand
  2. Nov 18, 2013
    This is absolutely one of the strongest soundtrack album ever made. I love how the folk and alternative country dominate the sound because itThis is absolutely one of the strongest soundtrack album ever made. I love how the folk and alternative country dominate the sound because it really works well when you think of the first book as well as the movie. Jayme Dee's "Rules" really stands out for me, while the weakest would be Glen Hansard's "Take the Heartland". Other tracks are all exciting and Carolina Chocolate Drops' "Daughter's Lament" makes a cappella sounds very fresh for my ears. This is only a level next to being as amazing as the soundtrack of 2001's "O Brother, Where Art Thou?". Expand
  3. Aug 2, 2015
    This is a perfect blend of lyrical relevance and an appropriate sound in terms of the overall feel of the movie. Even the one or two songsThis is a perfect blend of lyrical relevance and an appropriate sound in terms of the overall feel of the movie. Even the one or two songs that may seem unfitting in comparison to the acoustic folk aura of the music can easily be explicitly related to the movie. The haunting and dismal overall vibe is more than sufficient in making listeners feel as if they are submerged in the world of The Hunger Games. Expand
  4. Mar 27, 2012
    Abraham's Daughter- a mysterious song that delivers a quite spooky performance but is quite delightful too ;Tomorrow Will Be Kinder- veryAbraham's Daughter- a mysterious song that delivers a quite spooky performance but is quite delightful too ;Tomorrow Will Be Kinder- very gorgeous and relates very well to the film, sounds like some lullaby to Prim ;Nothing To Remember- one of my favorites, mainly because Neko Case has an awesome voice ;Safe & Sound- one of the best songs in the soundtrack, taylor's icy vocals blend well with civil war's gothic background melodies ;The Ruler And The Killer- a miscue in the album, it delivers nothing helpful to the film ;Dark Days- some nice vocals and it sounds kind of dreamy and is one of the better tracks ;One Engine- things begin to pace up and this song is the most upbeat and it is has a nice beat and some nice vocal contribution ;Daughter's Lament- sounds very yodely but it is a good thing ;Kingdom Come- a standou because it sounds like something that should be in the soundtrack ;Take The Heartland- the dude's screaming vocals are hopeless but it does have a nice beat ;Come Away To The Water- nice lyrics but it is a weak track and it is too long ;Run Daddy Run- an impressive track and also the most country ;Rules- sweet vocals, silly lyrics but nice track overall ;Eyes Open- a standout, it has an alt-country feel to it and is a mature song for Swift ;Lover Is Childlike- worst song on the album because it is plain boring and has a weak vocal performance; Just A Game- an amazing song that captures the true essence of the film, plus nice vocals from 15 yr. Old Birdy
    HIGHLIGHTS: Abraham's Daughter, Nothing To Remember, Safe & Sound, Kingdom Come, Eyes Open, Just A Game
  5. Mar 28, 2012
    Really good collection of songs. Its definitely more pop than anything. Also more somber for the most part. I wish they had put some of theseReally good collection of songs. Its definitely more pop than anything. Also more somber for the most part. I wish they had put some of these songs in the movie because there are a lot of good spots they would have fit. Regardless good compilation of various artist. IF you liked the Hunger Games book or movie you will like this. Expand
  6. Nov 19, 2013
    For the most part the album is actually pretty and features quite a few good tracks that I'd happily buy. Where they falter though is the rapFor the most part the album is actually pretty and features quite a few good tracks that I'd happily buy. Where they falter though is the rap and rock songs. They do not fit with the folk theme of the album at all and I personally don't care for them. Still, It's a good soundtrack well worth checking out. Expand