Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Florence was invited to be a guest on the Classic TV edition of
Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
and she decided to do it.

She played for the City of Hope and hoped to bring them lots of money!

Florence was happily surprised when she won the chance to get in the "hot seat."

(She was guaranteed to get up there, but she got up there FAST...the first day!)

Glad to have made it to the $1000 mark.

Oh no! What's the answer? Her fellow celebrities got to help her out...Danny Bonaduce, Kim Fields and Marion Ross, among others.

Contestants aren't usually allowed to have audience help, but since it's for charity the celebrity is guaranteed $32,000 to their charity just for being on the show. So up until that point in the game, they can get hints!

She made it to $64,000!

Now it's down to the wire. If she gets this, she advances to $125,000.
If she loses, she drops back down to $32,000.
Or, she could choose to quit and walk away with the money.

She used her "phone a friend" lifeline and called her son....who didn't know the answer!

Then, she used the 50/50 lifeline, and had it narrowed down to Red or Green. No hints from Regis!

She went for it, and choose Red. The correct answer was Green! Oh well, at least she tried and the City of Hope gets $32,000!

Florence was a great sport too...she stayed around the whole time to cheer the rest of the players on.

This page created on a Macintosh using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.