Sony Wants A Paul Blart Sequel

By Katey Rich 2009-01-29 18:29:48discussion comments
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At the junket a few weeks ago for Paul Blart: Mall Cop, Kevin James laughed off suggestions that there could be a sequel-- Paul Blart: Pet Detective, say, or Paul Blart: Street Cop. But that was before the movie grossed nearly $70 million its first two weeks, and proved a very cheap hit for Sony.

Now James is probably under substantial pressure from the studio to churn out another one, as is suggested in an LA Times article about the movie's success. Sony exec Doug Belgrad told the paper, "Happy Madison [Adam Sandler's production company, which produced the film] historically has been very reluctant to do sequels. But we believe there is an opportunity to make another Paul Blart movie."

Oh, America. You do something cool like elect a smart, competent President, and then you turn around and disappoint me by making something this mediocre a hit. A Paul Blart sequel is by no means official, but can you see Kevin James turning down this kind of money? I didn't think so. Move over, Gob Bluth: There's a new hero on a Segway.
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