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Business Services
10,800 $m

Accenture maintains a prominent and consistent presence among global professional services companies. Its revenue growth in fiscal year 2015 significantly outpaced the market. The company is invested in building and enhancing its leadership position within its Accenture Strategy, Accenture Consulting, Accenture Digital, Accenture Technology, and Accenture Operations divisions. For each of these businesses, the company has launched major integrated marketing campaigns, directing significant investments toward global campaigns that appeared in print, digital, and airport media across 25 countries.

As part of its digital content strategy, designed to solidify its distinctive position, Accenture completed a multiyear, multimillion dollar investment in a new digital platform for Boasting a leading-edge user experience, the platform offers fresh and engaging content, with integrated digital and social channels that play key roles in amplifying that content across LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, and YouTube.

Accenture showcased its digital savvy and dynamic expertise during the 2015 World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos. It presented a bold, multidimensional program that included Chairman and CEO Pierre Nanterme’s participation in a panel discussion on "The New Digital Context,” as well as proprietary research and joint studies conducted with the WEF. Its global media relations efforts garnered the highest level of engagement ever achieved at the forum, enhancing Accenture’s positioning as a leader at the intersection of business and technology. 

In order to differentiate itself and stay competitive in the market, Accenture continues to make significant investments—in strategic acquisitions, in assets and offerings, in branding and thought leadership, and in attracting and developing talent. In fiscal year 2015, the company invested approximately USD $850 million in the acquisition of 18 new companies, including AgilexJavelin GroupFusionX, Pacific Link, and more recently, Cloud Sherpas

Accenture serves more than 80 percent of the Fortune Global 500, including 94 of the top 100, and continues to enjoy strong brand loyalty—97 of its top 100 clients have been clients for more than 10 years. Over the last five fiscal years, Accenture’s compound annual return to shareholders of 24 percent has outpaced the S&P; 500 by 8 percentage points. Smart investments in its future have proven a benefit to Accenture’s clients, stakeholders, and burgeoning brand.