Easy A

Film , Comedy
  • 4 out of 5 stars
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Every once in a while, a smart, female-focused teen movie comes along. The ’90s had ‘Clueless’; the noughties had ‘Mean Girls’; each of them concerned with that age-old problem: popularity. Similarly, ‘Easy A’ features a girl caught somewhere between loser and in-crowd. Instead of trying to get a leg up, virgin Olive (Emma Stone) pretends she’s got her leg over – mainly to shut up her inquisitive friend. Soon the details of Olive’s fictional cherry-popping have spread all over the school… and then it escalates.

Unlike most teens, Olive has an altruistic streak, and this gets her into trouble. Soon she’s agreeing to have imaginary sex with every geek and gay boy in the school to save them from a beating. Branded a hussy, Olive decides to dress the part, sewing an ‘A’ on to her clothing in a nod to ‘The Scarlet Letter’.

And so an amusing exploration of high-school life ensues, but this is broader: Olive has a maturity that makes her relatable to older women, too. Stone gives a terrific performance, her knowing drawl implying intellect and indifference with underlying warmth. Props also to a hilarious Stanley Tucci and Patricia Clarkson as laid-back parents. ‘Easy A’ isn’t perfect: the love story feels like an add-on, a storyline with teachers Lisa Kudrow and Thomas Haden Church is scrappy. But – like the John Hughes films it references – it’s hard not to love, flaws and all.

Release details

Rated: 15
Release date: Friday October 22 2010
Duration: 92 mins

Cast and crew

Director: Will Gluck
Screenwriter: Bert V. Royal
Cast: Emma Stone
Amanda Bynes
Cam Gigandet

Average User Rating

4.4 / 5

Rating Breakdown

  • 5 star:1
  • 4 star:1
  • 3 star:0
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  • 1 star:0
1 person listening

I only saw this following a glowing Kermode review and I did find myself and others in the cinema laughing out loud. A real shame it got a 15cert but this will become a favourite dvd with teenagers and a natural follow-on to Mean Girls. Great to see the Jesus squad become a source of humour, rare in Hollywood films. It is a delightful film and no doubt I will see it on dvd again to catch-up on all of the smart one-liners I missed because I was laughing too much.


Every bit as good as the review and possibly better. The homage to the John Hughes movies at the end is excellent. A flm all teenage girls must see and one for anyone who likes a good story well told and acted by a series of excellent young actors ably assisted by a number of older actors who know a good thing when they see it.. One question is Emma Stone the new Molly Ringwald or the new Ally Sheedy?


Every bit as good as the review and possibly better. The homage to the John Hughes movies at the end is excellent. A flm all teenage girls must see and one for anyone who likes a good story well told and acted by a series of excellent young actors ably assisted by a number of older actors who know a good thing when they see it.. One question is Emma Stone the new Molly Ringwald or the new Ally Sheedy?