• By
  • Jun Hongo

An adult great white shark captured earlier this week died after three days at Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, the aquarium said Friday.

The aquarium had said the exhibit was likely the first in the world to feature an adult great white shark. The male shark had been caught in a fixed net off the village of Yomitan in Okinawa prefecture on Monday and was taken to the aquarium the following day.

An adult great white shark swims inside a tank at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Japan earlier this week.
Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

A keeper at the aquarium had said the shark hadn’t eaten anything since it arrived, and was being taught how to swim inside the tank without crashing into the walls.

The shark appeared to be adjusting to the tank “but its condition took a sudden turn for the worse early this morning,” an aquarium spokeswoman said. After appearing to have difficulties swimming, the great white was removed from the tank and treated by veterinarians.

The spokeswoman said the aquarium is still investigating the cause of death.

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