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Last Updated: Monday, 30 January 2006, 09:40 GMT
SAG Awards 2006: Full list of winners
Racial drama Crash has beaten cowboy romance Brokeback Mountain to the top honours at the Screen Actors Guild Awards in LA. Here is the full list of winners of the 12th annual ceremony in Los Angeles:

Cast performance

Best actor
Philip Seymour Hoffman - Capote

Best actress
Reece Witherspoon - Walk The Line

Best supporting actor
Paul Giamatti - Cinderella Man

Best supporting actress
Rachel Weisz - The Constant Gardener

Life achievement award
Shirley Temple Black

Television awards

Actor in a movie or mini-series
Paul Newman - Empire Falls

Outstanding performance by a male actor in a drama series
Kiefer Sutherland - 24

Outstanding performance by a female actor in a drama series
Sandra Oh - Grey's Anatomy

Outstanding performance by a male actor in a comedy series
Sean Hayes - Will And Grace

Outstanding performance by a female actor in a comedy series
Felicity Huffman - Desperate Housewives

Outstanding performance by an ensemble in a drama series

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