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For the record

Editor's Note: An article by a freelance writer based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in Wednesday's Globe said that the season's hunt for baby seals off Newfoundland had begun the previous day. In fact, the hunt did not begin that day; it was delayed by bad weather, and is scheduled to begin today, weather permitting. The article included details of the day's hunt as if it had taken place and without attribution or other sourcing, as if the writer had witnessed the scene personally. Details included the number of hunters, a description of the scene, and the approximate age of the cubs. The author's failure to accurately report the status of the hunt and her fabrication of details at the scene are clear violations of the Globe's journalistic standards. Because the freelancer was not reporting from the scene, Globe editors should have demanded attribution for any details she provided about the hunt itself. The story should not have been published in the Globe, and the Globe has discontinued use of the freelancer.

Correction: Because of a reporting error, the Boston Capital column in yesterday's Business section incorrectly stated that the Globe first reported the closing of YankeeTek Ventures, a venture capital firm. The closing had been reported previously by the Boston Business Journal and PE Week Wire, a trade publication.

Correction: Because of an editing error, a photo caption on a picture of an overturned truck in late editions of yesterday's City & Region section incorrectly credited the photo. It was taken by Andrew Dale Alecia and was not a staff photo.

Correction: Because of an editing error, the headline and story in yesterday's Nation pages about a federal jury ordering Philadelphia to pay residents whose homes were destroyed 20 years ago when the city bombed the headquarters of an anarchist organization misstated the amount of the jury award. The city was ordered to pay $12.8 million, which included $1.5 million in punitive damages, not a total of $14.1 million.

The Globe welcomes information about errors that call for corrections. Information may be e-mailed to, faxed to 617-929-8230, or left in a message at 617-929-8230. A listing of other Globe contacts can be found on Page B2.

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