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What we know so far about deadly ambush in downtown Dallas


Nathan Hunsinger/Staff Photographer

Dallas Police pray in front of Jack Evans Police Headquarters in Dallas on Friday July 8, 2016 after a deadly shooting in downtown Dallas where 5 police officers were killed on the night before. (Nathan Hunsinger/The Dallas Morning News)

Here's the latest infromation about the shooting deaths of five police officers and the wounding of seven in downtown Dallas Thursday night.

The shooter, Micah Xavier Johnson

The lone gunman -- a black U.S. Army veteran with a smoldering hatred of white people -- is dead and police continued Saturday to comb through his background and possessions in an ongoing investigation. 

A general understanding of the motivations of a man President Barack Obama described as "demented" slowly came into focus on Friday.

Johnson, 25, was described by friends and acquaintances as a nice guy who also had developed an obsession with heavy-duty weaponry and black-power politics. He was a man with grievances, including a discharge from the military after accusations of sexual harassment and a minor run-in with police.

Officials said a search of his home turned up "bomb-making materials, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition and a personal journal of combat tactics." 

Johnson's attack brought up worries about copycat killings. And Saturday evening, many feared that possibility.

Dallas Police headquarters went on high alert after police spotted a suspicious person in the parking garage nearby. SWAT units were already there in response to a threat from an armed group in Houston.

Initial reports of shots fired were inaccurate, and the suspicious person apparently escaped. But for about an hour, national news focused again on threats to Dallas police.

The police investigation

Mayor Mike Rawlings said Friday that Johnson -- killed by a law enforcement robot carrying a bomb -- was believed to be the lone gunman. But police are still looking into Johnson's background and whether anyone else knew about his plans.

A section of downtown Dallas was still closed to the public Saturday and could be off-limits for days to come.

The area where the shooting occurred was flanked mostly by media, with some onlookers also taking an interest in the large crime scene. Dozens of yellow, numbered evidence markers were on the ground, and FBI agents were carefully walking over every inch of the scene Saturday morning.

Mourning the dead

For police officers, the shooting heaped fatigue on top of mourning. By Saturday, a degree of calm had returned, and there was more time to focus on sorrow.

Corsicana law enforcement officials announced a police escort home this afternoon for Brent Thompson, a 43-year-old DART officer killed in the shootings. Police are asking the public to line up along the route to pay their respects.


The Dallas Police Association opened its office for officers to gather and grieve the dead and what was the worst day for U.S. law enforcement since 9/11. The Dallas officers killed were Senior Cpl. Lorne Ahrens, 48; Officer Michael Krol, 40; Sgt. Michael J. Smith, 55; and Officer Patrick Zamarripa.

Counselors at El Centro College were offering assistance to students and faculty who were locked down at the downtown campus for about five hours Thursday night and Friday morning.

A makeshift memorial still sat at the flagpoles outside Bank of America Plaza, where flags still fly at half staff. The flowers, though, have wilted after two days in the summer heat.

There were also several community events, both small and large, scheduled this weekend to honor the victims.



The wounds are fresh and the funerals have yet to happen. But political leaders and activists are still weighing in on the deadly event following Thursday's peaceful protest of police shootings in Minnesota and Louisiana.

Obama, who is planning a trip to Dallas next week, addressed the shootings Saturday, praising the Dallas Police Department and criticized Texas' open-carry law for making the police work harder.

"If you care about the safety of police officers, then you can't set aside the gun issue and pretend that's irrelevant," the president said to an audience in Warsaw, Poland.

On Friday, a pair of prominent Texas leaders struck different tones with their statements and comments.


Gov. Greg Abbott called for peace and unity.

"It is time for us to unite as Texans, as Americans, to say no more," he wrote in an open letter. "No more will we tolerate disrespect for those who serve. No more will we allow the evil of hate merchants to tear us apart."

On Fox News, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said: "All those protesters last night, they turned around and ran the other way, expecting the men and women in blue to protect them. What hypocrites!"

He later said he "maybe" chose the wrong words.

Here's a roundup of other comments from politicians, including presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Policing and Race Relations

As many as 100 local clergy members plan to meet Thursday night at First Presbyterian Church in downtown Dallas to discuss a practical path to healing  after the shooting. The group includes a coalition of predominantly black and predominantly white churches.

While there is a racial divide here, policing controversies that plagued other cities -- from Baltimore to Ferguson, Mo. -- have mostly missed Dallas. Community leaders have credited Dallas Police Chief David Brown, who is black, and his predecessor with their outreach efforts.

"This is ground zero for the country getting this right," said Dallas Democratic state Sen. Royce West.


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Friday's story:

The investigation into the ambush-style slayings of five Dallas police officers coalesced around one man: Micah Xavier Johnson, 25, an Army veteran and gun owner with a smoldering hatred of white people.

Armed with a semiautomatic assault rifle, knowledge of military tactics and wearing body armor, Johnson exchanged gunfire with Dallas police for hours Thursday night but eventually was trapped in a downtown parking garage where police killed him early Friday using a robot-deployed bomb.

Mayor Mike Rawlings said Friday that Johnson was believed to be the lone gunman. Early reports suggested there were multiple gunmen involved in the attack that killed five police officers and wounded seven other officers and two civilians.

On Saturday morning, friends and family of the victims continued the mourning process while law enforcement's investigated methodically marched along.

The sniper assault followed a large demonstration against recent killings of black men by police in Louisiana and Minnesota. Johnson suggested the attack was racially motivated by revenge. 

On Saturday morning, President Barack Obama praised the Dallas Police Department for its community policing efforts. Protesters and police coexisted peacefully Thursday night during the march the preceded the shootings. Some protesters even tweeted pictures of them posing with smiling officers.

"As painful as this week has been, I firmly believe that America is not as divided as some have suggested. Americans of all races and all backgrounds are rightly outraged about the inexcusable attacks on police," he said, calling the shooter "demented."

In video footage of the rampage, the gunman can be seen lumbering toward an officer hiding behind a cement pillar outside El Centro College in downtown Dallas. In the next instant, a series of muzzle flashes punctuate the footage, as the officer slumped to the pavement.

At other times Johnson, perched inside the community college, exchanged gunfire with police. At least 12 officers shot back during the attack, police said.

The officers were assaulted "ambush-style," Dallas Police Chief David Brown said, with some of them shot in the back. 

"We have to be right 100 percent of the time in the way we police this city," he said. "Suspects like this have to be right once. They don't have to work very hard to snipe at our officers from elevated positions, to ambush them from secure positions."

The U.S. Army confirmed that Johnson was enlisted as a soldier and served a tour in Afghanistan. The Mesquite resident received several awards for his service, which ended in 2015.


Johnson had no criminal record and no links to or inspiration from any international terrorist organization, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said. 

"Information provided through the course of the investigation indicates that the suspect was an Army veteran and others have identified him as a loner," police said in a prepared statement. 

Dallas and Mesquite police officers cordoned off a house Friday in Mesquite whose Helen Lane address is listed on Johnson's driver's license. 

Chase Young, who lives around the corner and a few houses down, woke up early Friday when police cruisers set off his front motion-sensor alarm.

"They've been going back and forth, back and forth since 1 o'clock," he said.

Detectives and crime-scene technicians on Friday removed bags from the home before leaving just before 11:30 a.m.  Among their findings: bomb-making materials, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition and a personal journal of combat tactics.

County Judge Clay Jenkins said Johnson had written in his journal about the "shoot and move" tactic employed by Navy Seals. After interviewing the officers, investigators determined that the shooter could have been firing from multiple places, making it seem initially like more than one assailant.

Caitlyn Lennon, 27, a friend and former co-worker of Johnson's, described him as a gun owner with military training who "was always very affected by the police stuff and had very strong feelings about being black." 

Lennon said she worked with Johnson at a sandwich shop in Richardson from 2011 to 2013. 

"I can only imagine how pissed off he would be in the past year watching all of the shootings," she said, saying she had lost touch with him in recent years.

A police source told KXAS-TV (NBC5) that Johnson was laughing and singing during the standoff inside the parking garage. He didn't appear nervous and told police he'd been working out in preparation for Thursday's assault.

Johnson's sister spent Friday mourning the loss of her brother and questioning why he had gone to the downtown demonstration.

"I keep saying it's not true. ... My eyes hurt from crying," Nicole Johnson wrote in a post on Facebook that she later deleted.

Minutes later, she posted again.

"The news will say what they think, but those that knew him know this wasn't like him," she wrote. "This is the biggest loss we've had."

Brown urged Dallas to get behind its Police Department in the days to come.

"We don't feel much support most days," he said. "Let's not make today most days."

The shooting was the deadliest day for law officers since Sept. 11, 2001, when 72 officers died, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.

DART identified its fallen officer as 43-year-old Brent Thompson, who joined the department in 2009. Thompson is the first officer to be killed in the line of duty since DART formed a police force in 1989, spokesman Morgan Lyons said.


"Our hearts are broken," Lyons said in a prepared statement.

Three other DART officers were wounded, but they are expected to recover, Lyons said.

"Give our officers strength to catch these suspects and bring them to justice tonight," he said.

Two civilians also were wounded. One was undergoing surgery early Friday after being shot in the right calf.

Former Assistant Chief Michael Genovesi, who retired last year, said the shooting is "easily the worst thing" he has seen since he joined the department 34 years ago.

He said the closest thing he remembers is when seven Dallas officers — including Chief Brown's former partner — were killed in a single-year period in 1988 and 1989.

State Sen. Royce West, who was at the protest but left before the shooting started, said he was still processing the night's events.

"Just when you think you've seen it all, you recognize you haven't," said West, D-Dallas. "I never thought I would live to see such carnage in the case of law enforcement, especially here in Dallas."

He said he hoped to work with Gov. Greg Abbott to see what the state could do to prevent such attacks. 

But Genovesi, who oversaw patrol and coordinated security for major events, said such shootings are "almost impossible" to prevent.

"He certainly wasn't intimidated or in any way deterred by the police presence," Genovesi said of Johnson. "That's what he was seeking. That's really hard to defend against in a democracy."

Genovesi responded to last year's shooting at police headquarters. He said the latest shooting "will never be forgotten" but that the department has been resilient in the past and will eventually recover.

Gunman told negotiator he was upset by recent police shootings

At a 12:30 a.m. news conference, Brown said officers had exchanged gunfire for 45 minutes with a man in the El Centro College garage. 

"He has told our negotiators that the end is coming and he's going to hurt and kill more of us — meaning law enforcement — and that there are bombs all over the place in this garage and in downtown," Brown said.

Though Brown said late Thursday that two snipers had gunned down the officers, he talked about only one man at Friday morning's news conference at Dallas City Hall. 

"We are working very diligently on processing the crime scene to find evidence to bring any other suspects to justice," the chief said. 

During the overnight standoff, the gunman told a police negotiator he acted alone and wanted to kill white people, especially police officers, Brown said.

"The suspect stated he was not affiliated with any groups," Brown said. "He stated he did this alone."

He said the man claimed to have hidden explosive devices in downtown buildings, but police had not found any bombs as of Friday morning. 

However, Brown said then he didn't believe the threat was over and believed that others may still be at large. 

"We're not satisfied until we've exhausted every lead," Brown said. "We're going to keep these suspects guessing."

About 1:20 a.m., an explosion went off at El Centro. Police said they had placed a robot near the shooter and detonated a bomb it was holding, killing him.

Students and faculty stuck on El Centro's main campus when it was placed on lockdown were allowed to leave at 2 a.m.  Friday's classes were canceled.

Shortly before 3 a.m., police reported that the gunman in the garage was dead.

Dallas police Maj. Max Geron said officials were conducting "extensive sweeps" of downtown for explosives. About 5 a.m., he said primary and secondary sweeps turned up none.

'A heartbreaking morning'


Brown said he was proud to "be a part of this great noble profession," and to see the courage of the officers who ran toward gunfire to help the wounded. 

The mayor called for unity. 

"We as a city, we as a country must come together, lock arms and heal the wounds that we all feel from time to time," he said. "Words matter, leadership matters at this time. I'm proud of our chief."

Rawlings asked everyone to focus on the officers and their families. 

"To say that our police officers put their lives on the line every day is no hyperbole, ladies and gentlemen," he said. "It's a reality."

After injured officers were rushed to area hospitals, five DART officers gathered in a downtown hotel, where they watched updates on an upstairs television.

They declined to comment on the night's events. After the suspect was reported to be in custody, they walked together back outside, solemn-faced, and headed south on North Lamar Street toward a police barricade on Elm Street.

Initial confusion

In earlier news conferences, Brown referred to at least two possible shooting suspects and said they may have perched in a way to triangulate on the officers.  There was also initial confusion over the number of people in police custody.

When the shooting started, about 20 people in camouflage gear with rifles slung over their shoulders started running and police "started catching," Rawlings said. 

Throughout the course of the night, police interviewed and questioned multiple people. During the shootout, Brown said a woman who had been in the same area as the gunman was taken into custody.

By Friday afternoon, no suspects were in custody.  

"As we started to unraveled this fishing knot, we realized that the shooting came from one building at different levels by this suspect," Rawlings said. 

About 11:30 p.m. Thursday, a person of interest in a photo circulated by the city and Dallas police turned himself in, police said.  But that man, Mark Hughes, was released about two hours later. 

Shortly before midnight, a Dallas police officer saw someone carrying a camouflaged bag, walking quickly down Lamar Street. The person threw the bag in the back of a black Mercedes-Benz that then sped off, police said. 

Police stopped the vehicle, questioned the two occupants and released them, KXAS-TV (NBC5) reported.


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About 1 a.m., the mayor and police chief arrived at Parkland amid a steady stream of officers. Shortly after that, a procession of motorcycle police officers arrived in formation, honor guards wearing white gloves.

"We're hurting, our profession is hurting," Brown said. "There are no words to describe the atrocity that occurred to our city. All I know is that this must stop, this divisiveness between our police and our citizens."

Brown said he's dreaded a night like Thursday, when he had to inform families their loved ones were killed in the line of duty.

The thought crossed his mind last year, when a man opened fire in June on Dallas police headquarters and led authorities on a chase through the city in an armored vehicle. After an hours-long standoff, a police sniper shot the man outside a fast food restaurant.

"It's a stark reality of what our profession is going to deal with in this country for years to come," Brown told The News in a story about the headquarters shooting. 

"The idea that snipers might attack us. The idea that someone might plant a bomb to blow us up," he said. "That's something that American law enforcement hadn't had to deal with in years past that I think in the future we will have to deal with."

Brown has long touted strong police-community relations in the city. Protests and rallies have typically been peaceful.

Thursday night's shooting will strain an already tight Dallas police force. Since October, 195 officers have left thedepartment. Many of those have retired, but more than 50 officers left for other police agencies.

In recent months, many officers have been working overtime and non-patrol officers have filled patrol shifts to respond to calls.

'We are horrified'

From Poland, President Barack Obama called the shootings a "vicious, calculated, despicable attack on law enforcement," and said those responsible will be brought to justice.

"We are horrified over these events and we stand united with the people and the police department in Dallas," he said.

The White House announced Friday that Obama would be cutting his European trip short to visit Dallas early next week.

Obama ordered that U.S. flags be flown at half-staff through Tuesday night and called for a review of gun laws.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch, at Justice Department headquarters, sought to calm fears after what she called an "unfathomable tragedy" in Dallas, and a "week of profound grief and heartfelt loss."

She noted that a federal civil rights investigation is underway after the shooting in Louisiana.
She called the deaths of five Dallas officers a "devastating loss."

"After the events of this week, Americans across our country are feeling a sense of helplessness, of uncertainty and of fear," Lynch said. "These feelings are understandable, and they are justified. But the answer must not be violence. The answer is never violence. Rather the answer ... must be action — calm, peaceful, collaborative and determined action."

She offered assurance that peaceful protesters' rights will not be infringed, even as she condemned evildoers who use such gatherings as cover and pretext for acts of violence.

Dallas County First Assistant District AttornyMessina Madson said Thursday's attack has shaken prosecutors and all law enforcement in a way she has never seen.

"We work in the criminal courthouse, in a building that is used to dealing with tragedy," Madson said. For everyone "to stop and say 'Whoa,' it shows this really impacts people."

The DA's officer-involved shooting team is conducting its own investigation, as is done in all shootings of or by police. That investigation is independent of the police investigation.

"We are there with our own eyes and ears," Madson said.

Thursday's protest

As the protest ended, bystanders reported hearing multiple shots fired shortly before 9 p.m. in the area of Market and Main streets, near El Centro.

People were asked to leave the immediate downtown area. Some walked, others ran. Some sheltered in place for several hours in downtown buildings.

Video and witness accounts portrayed chaotic scenes: "Everyone just started running," said Devante Odom, 21. "We lost touch with two of our friends just trying to get out of there."

At the corner of Commerce and Houston, stay-at-home mom Renee Sifflet waited for the situation to die down so she could retrieve her three teenage kids, who were in hiding. 

"I brought them here for a positive experience, something they could say they were part of when they're older, " said Sifflet, of Dallas. "Then it turned negative."

When they started running, she said, she lost track of her 15-year-old son for two frightening minutes. "Thank God he has a cellphone," she said.

Carlos Harris, who lives downtown, said the shooters "were strategic. It was tap tap, pause. Tap tap, pause."

Harris, who said he was in the military, said he heard someone fire back with an AR-15. 

Before the shots were fired, the demonstrators had been peacefully walking down Main Street.  

"The cops were peaceful," he said. "They were taking pictures with us and everything."


Stacey Brown, 30, and Bianca Avery, 34, were standing behind Dealey Plaza when they heard the shots. 

"This was peaceful," Brown said. "We were headed back to our cars to go home. But we turned that corner [at Main Street] and all hell broke loose."

"I heard a shot and all of a sudden people are running ... children everywhere, everything," Avery said. 

Facebook activated its crisis safety check Thursday night for people in the area of the shootings to let others know they are safe. 

After Alton Sterling's shooting death this week in Baton Rouge, La., a rally and march were planned in downtown Dallas. But Philando Castile's death in Falcon Heights, Minn., changed the conversation, North Texas activists said.

The men, who were both black, were killed by officers within 48 hours. Cellphone cameras captured both. 

Among the witnesses shaken by the violence were Sharay Santora and her teenage son and daughter, who were walking in the rally when they heard the shots. 

"We were there to witness all the love that was happening around us when the chaos happened," Santora said. "Everyone was helping each other. It wasn't about black or white; everyone was picking each other up and moving them away. Not only were people doing that, but also the police were there to help."

Santora said her family's opinions about police have changed over the years they've lived in Dallas.

"Dallas police officers have been loving, giving, caring and are as much a part of the community as we are," she said.

This story was compiled from reports by staff writers including Eva-Marie Ayala, Claire Ballor, Claire Z. Cardona, Andrew Chavez, Julieta Chiquillo, Elizabeth Djinis, Caleb Downs, Jennifer Emily, Liz Farmer, Scott Farwell, Brandon Formby, Todd J. Gillman, Holly K. Hacker, Tristan Hallman, Austin Huguelet, Gromer Jeffers Jr., Dalton LaFerney, Nanette Light, Brittney Martin, Kaitlynn Martin, Naomi Martin, Marina Trahan Martinez, G.J. McCarthy, Sarah Mervosh, Ellen Meyers, Jeff Mosier, Marc Ramirez, Naheed Rajwani, Sabriya Rice, Charles Scudder, Avi Selk, Dianne Solis, Tom Steele, Tasha Tsiaperas, Allan James Vestal, Robert Wilonsky and Hannah Wise.

More on the ambush of Dallas police officers

Eight hours of terror: Peaceful protest becomes Dallas police's deadliest day

Profiles in courage: A look at the lives of the 14 Dallas ambush victims

Editorial: This city, our city

How and why Dallas police decided to use a bomb to end the standoff with lone gunman

What we know so far about deadly ambush in downtown Dallas

How to help families of Dallas officers

How Police Chief David Brown's whole life prepared him for the Dallas shooting

Man says wounded DART officer saved his life during ambush

At Dallas police headquarters, the city gathers to memorialize its fallen

Gun-carrying protester mistaken for sniper talks about his hours as most-wanted man in America

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