Youth Code’s Top 10 Industrial Songs That Have Nothing to Do With Nine Inch Nails

September 11, 2013 Guides + Lists

“Here are some of our favorite industrial songs for various reasons. Not gonna get into the debate of what ‘real industrial’ is, but these are some of our personal faves related to the genre as a whole. This is probably the hardest list to come up with as we had a million bands and songs that we wanted to give honorable mentions to but here is a compilation of 10 tracks you simply can’t live without.”

Youth Code


1. Babyland ” Mask”
LA’s fucking raddest. Basically just amazing industrial played by punk dudes who didn’t give a fuck who they played with. Babyland were awesome because they defied ‘scenes’ and just did amazing music without any form of boundaries. I remember being on tour, sitting in a van staring at the open road and dreaming of all of the cars crashing while listening to this song on repeat and just getting so amped.

2. Skinny Puppy, “Worlock”
By far one of the most influential songs I have ever heard in my entire life as far as the industrial genre goes. With assisted production by Al Jourgeson (from Ministry, duh) this song has a blend of eerie melodies, bursts of samples and the most beautiful/tasteful use of vocoder ever recorded (IMHO).

3. Coil, “The Anal Staircase”
Dude. Coil. It was really hard for me to narrow it down to one Coil song, but I’m gonna go with the one that always has me on lock whenever I hear it. As a youngster I had been into Throbbing Gristle, but the first time I heard this I was in a friend’s car in London in my late teens. He was an old industrial/EBM head and instantly my ears perked up and I lost all ability to concentrate on our conversation…From that moment I was hooked.

4. Insekt, “Another Bacteria”
Rad Belgian EBM from dudes in Klinik and Vomito Negro. The Belgian scene has always been ahead of the curve, and this definitely holds its weight. The pulsing rhythm combined with the stuttered vocal line and screams over it are exactly the kind of fight or fuck vibe that pulled me into industrial in the first place.

5. VNV Nation, “Solitary”
This might not be tough or gritty, but VNV Nation fucking rules. The constant dampened kick fueling your way into battle, laced with beautiful pad sounds and sprite-like melody lines makes this a staple in my book.

Youth Code


1. Bad News, “Bath Salts”
Newer band that completely slays. Chondritic sound wonder duo Bad News bring all kinds of Damaged, apocalyptic and raw textures back to this “scene”. No club 00ntz sounds in sight.

2. Sleep Chamber- “Dominatrix”

3. Wumpscut, “War Combattery 2”
The Mesner Tracks are some of my favorite recordings. I love how dirty and punchy everything sounds. I’m very aware of this when working on Youth Code songs; although it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, I think it’s perfection. Anyway, the programing on this blows my mind. While most modern industrial acts will argue about how to EQ a kick drum, this dude went straight to tape and kicked the world’s teeth in. This song goes hard.

4. Pailhead, “I Will Refuse”
DC Hardcore and WAX TRAX?! When the drums kick in, I’m moshing eveything into the ground. The combination of Ian [MacKaye] and Al [Jourgensen] is a mind boggler, but however it happened, it is a remarkable mixture of both scenes I am completely down with.

5. Noise Unit, “Collapsed”
Bill Leeb is one dude I look up to. The Nerve War demo, the first couple FLA albums and definitely the first couple Noise Unit records get heavy rotation in the Youth Code camp. This song spits fire.

Youth Code’s self-titled album of Wax Trax-weaned industrial is available now through Dais. They’re currently on tour and playing New York’s Nothing Changes party tonight. Sample some of their songs down below…

  • Verdilak

    Excellent list! Any list that starts with Babyland and includes Coil is a list worth paying attention to.

  • Dan McCullough

    For as much as they get dissed by the old heads, I have to say that the Youth Code dudes sound more jazzed on the old school sounds that I loved than most people. Gotta give respect for that.

  • Daniel

    Can’t figure why anyone would go so far as to single out Nine Inch Nails for exclusion then deliberately include VNV Nation. Otherwise a fairly strong list. I’d have a similar dilemma with Coil, Horse Rotorvator being a particular strong work (though their ambient-ish albums from the 90s rank among my favorite albums of all time).

  • panoramic

    wow this band is so cool they don’t like nine inch nails they are so hardcore and industrial experts ooh coil this band knows so much yeah I’m really into industrial now because of this amazing band yeah lol

    • Caz

      They never said they didn’t like NIN, and if the magazine called it that to insire hits/ discussion then it worked!

      • Caz


  • Pingback: Youth Code’s Top 10 Industrial Songs That Have Nothing to Do With Nine Inch Nails | Electric heaters()

  • nic

    just fyi, Youth Code didn’t pick the ridiculous title of this article. they like NIN.

  • Hesslek

    People with more tattoos than ideas

  • nick
  • Jim

    The Adored, Carry On both amazing.

  • Stu

    I wouldn’t say “nothing to do with NIN” considering Trent is a huge Coil fan

    • itsalrightbabyscomingblack

      Yeah, I just noticed that he acknowledged NIN in a subsequent comment. NIN made an impact, so it’s all good

  • Christian Thuesing

    in the end, they are all linked. no matter how and who… see “worlock”, my favourite forever anyway. remember pigface and see trent reznor and nivek ogre (from skinny puppy) singing side by side…

  • Christian Thuesing
  • selftitledmag

    Glad most of you are digging this. One thing though: the Nine Inch Nails reference in this was our idea. We actually love lots of Trent’s music, but thought it’d be cool to explore the records and artists from that time period that don’t get talked about as much.

  • pat

    no neubauten?

    • pat

      not tryin to hate…the list is pretty rad

  • Michael Bagley

    “Numb” the canadian industrial band that alot of people have forgotten…

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