Three quarters of Estonian population use the Internet

news release no 120

According to Statistics Estonia, in the 1st quarter of 2010 three quarters of Estonian population used computers and the internet.

Compared to the 1st quarter of the previous year, the percentage of computer and internet users has increased three percentage points. While among persons aged 16–34 almost all used computers and the Internet, the percentage of Internet users decreases with age. Half of the persons aged 55–64 and a quarter of the persons aged 65–74 used computers and the Internet in the 1st quarter of 2010. Hence the percentage of computer and Internet users among persons aged 65–74 has increased ten percentage points, compared to the same period of the previous year.

The most popular activities while using the Internet were reading web publications, Internet banking, e-mailing and looking for information. From Internet skills telephoning via Internet has increased the most — the percentage of Internet users aged 16–74 used the Internet for phone calls increased two times during the last three years. While almost all Internet users had used the search engine and attached files to the e-mail, every third Internet user had used peer-to-peer file sheer and only every sixth had created a webpage.

Among households with children and two or more adults less than a tenth had no Internet connection at home. More than half of single adults can manage without Internet connection at home. The main obstacle for having Internet connection is lack of Internet skills and costs of equipment and connection.

The use of the Internet by enterprises has remained on the same level for three years. Almost all enterprises with 10 and more persons employed used computers and the Internet; nine out of ten were broadband connections. The most popular type of Internet connection among enterprises was DSL broadband connection. The use of mobile connection has increased — in the previous year it was used by two and this year by three out of ten enterprises.

Statistics Estonia conducts the survey of information technology usage among persons aged 16–74 and in households as an annex to the Labour Force Survey since 2005. The survey is carried out in the 2nd quarter; the reference period is the 1st quarter. In 2010, 4,000 persons participated in the survey. Household is a group of persons who live at the same address and share joint financial resources and whose members consider themselves to be members of one household, while family is based on relationship or kinship.

Statistics Estonia has surveyed the use of information technology in enterprises since 2001. In 2010, 3,100 enterprises participated in the survey. The survey involves enterprises with 10 and more persons employed.

The usage of information technology in households and by individuals aged 16–74 and in enterprises is studied by statistical organisations in all European Union Member States on the basis of harmonised methodology.

For further information:

Mari Soiela
Leading Statistician
Annual Statistics of Entrepreneurship Service
Statistics Estonia
Tel +372 625 9386

More detailed data have been published in the Statistical Database.