To You, He’s Spider-Man; To a Bronx High School, Tom Holland Is That Weird Secretly British Kid Who Mysteriously Disappeared One Day


Tom Holland has put a lot of blood, sweat and web ... fluid(?) into cultivating his version of Spider-Man, from hurting himself on the set of Jimmy Kimmel Live! to being electrocuted by a specialized work-out suit, so it should come as no surprise that the Wolf Hall actor would want to spend equal time researching the most challenge aspect of his role: pretending to be an American teenager. In a Facebook Live self-interview yesterday, the Spider-Man: Homecoming star described how he went undercover as a student at an unnamed Bronx high school to channel Peter Parker. Though, is it still considered "undercover" if you immediately drop your accent and start telling people you're Spider-Man? Luckily, the number one rule of American high schools is "Don't listen to that suddenly British kid who no one knows and claims to be a superhero," so his secret was extremely safe with him.