Homework Help Questions

General FAQ

Every student can benefit from working with a private tutor—there’s simply nothing better than getting prep that’s customized just for you! Tutoring is a particularly good option for students:

  • With busy or complicated schedules
  • Who need one-on-one attention
  • Have aggressive score-improvement goals
  • Learn in a unique fashion
  • Are anxious about the test
  • Have particularly low or high starting scores
  • Are easily distracted
  • Have limited time to prepare before the test

All of our tutors go through a rigorous interview and evaluation process as well an intensive 40-hour+ training. Then they start teaching in the classroom where they’ll interact with and are challenged by students of all levels. Our very best instructors are promoted to the level of Private Tutor and undergo additional training.

Our Master Tutors are tutors who have been teaching for us for years and have a wealth of experience. They’re able to tackle a wide variety of situations effectively and efficiently.

Finally, there are our Premier Tutors —our most elite, tenured tutors who literally write the books we use in the classroom and beyond. There’s no problem they haven’t seen, no learning style they haven’t worked with, and no obstacle they haven’t overcome.

It’s absolutely worth it! The cost of the tutoring corresponds with the quality of the instruction and the level of hands-on, concierge-style costumer service you’ll receive. Tutoring is personalized based on your strengths, challenges and learning style. And the convenience is unbeatable—our tutors will meet with you in your home or in a place convenient to you according to your schedule.

Every one of our tutors is backed by tremendous research and outstanding support materials. We are leaders in the test-prep industry, and it shows!

We can customize—and recommend—a tutoring package that meets your needs and goals. Packages start at three hours.

For most students, a Comprehensive tutorial is a good starting place to cover all of the material on the test. Since students work at different paces and have varying goals, you may require a few additional hours to really maximize your potential. You can add additional hours as you need them.

While a typical tutoring session is an hour and a half to two hours long, we will work with you to meet your learning style and scheduling needs. Students usually meet once or twice a week depending on their schedule. For every hour of tutoring, you should expect at least an hour of homework.

We don’t recommend that you prep for more than one test at the same time. We’ll help you figure out which test to start with and make a game plan from there.

Your local Tutoring Manager will talk to you to learn more about your goals, learning style, personality and more. They’ll then take that information and match you with the right instructor from our pool of available tutors. It’s rare that students are unhappy with their tutor, but we understand that sometimes the chemistry just isn’t there. If you aren’t comfortable with your tutor following the first session, let us know and we’ll find you a tutor who is a better fit. We won’t charge you for the first hour with the original tutor.

In addition to your tutoring hours, you’ll also receive at least four practice diagnostic tests, access to an Online Student Portal with additional drills and video lessons, as well as a full set of printed books and manuals. Where available, students are welcome to sit in with any retail course for proctored testing free of charge.

We do everything we can to match you with a tutor who can meet with you in the most convenient location, whether that is your home, a library, online or somewhere else on a schedule that is convenient for you. We’ll discuss all available options with you.

It all depends on your starting score, your goals, and the amount of effort you put in. We want you to be satisfied—we’ll provided you with the highly-trained, motivated and successful tutors, and you provide the dedication and hard work by practicing, doing all of your homework and sticking to realistic goals and expectations.

Instead of focusing on a specific number, our tutors aim to get you to your goal. For example, a student who increases their score by 50 points to hit their goal will be as equally satisfied as the student who scores 400 points higher and hits their goal.