Politician Pauline Hanson is at it again and this time she’s going after chocolate giant Cadbury at Easter time.

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Go buy non-halal Easter eggs: Hanson


Hanson has urged her supporters to buy "non-halal" Easter eggs and avoid brands that offer halal-certified products, including Cadbury.

The One Nation senator made the appeal in a video posted to her Facebook page on Tuesday morning.

Hanson suggests a Lindt bunny instead. Source: Facebook

The plea is in line with the party's stance that buying halal-certified products equates to "financially supporting the Islamisation of Australia".

“One of the biggest complaints I have had since being elected is about halal-certification and it was my promise to you that I would do something about it,” the video posted by the politician begins.

“Guess what? It’s Easter. A special time of the year for a lot of people and families,” she continues.

The politician also suggested consumed make the switch to Darrell Lea. Source: Facebook

"We see these products out there that are actually halal-certified, Cadbury chocolate for instance, halal-certified... Go and buy some non-halal Easter eggs and chocolate and have a happy Easter everyone and a very safe one," she says before ending her video.

Pauline suggests in the vision that chocolate enthusiasts purchase non-halal products such as Lindt or Darrell Lea instead of Cabdury.

To date the vision has been viewed more than 38,000 times.

Hanson posted the video merely days before Easter. Source: Facebook

“Good on you Pauline , the people are the power. Don't buy it. Stop the halal certification rort asap,” one Facebook user commented on her post.

“Go get 'em Pauline. End the Halal scam!” another also wrote.

Halal certification involves the use of a licensed marker to indicate that a food is approved for consumption under Islamic religious rules.

7 News has contacted Cadbury for comment.

Stop Video Replay 0:33

'It’s not happening, not interested in halal': Pauline Hanson


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