(Photo by Stephen Powers, 2016.)

faces: NW · NE · SE · SW

3101 Southern Avenue SE: along the gate in front of the parking lot, just south of the merger with Naylor Road (and not at the intersection of Naylor Road and Suitland Parkway, as some earlier sources state). This stone is a replica created in 2015 and placed in early 2016 about twenty yards southwest of its original location.

By the time of Woodward's visit more than a century ago, the original stone was "rounded, battered and chipped on every side" possibly because "soldiers used it as a target" during the Civil War. When a truck knocked the stone out of place in 1985, the manager of a nearby apartment building moved it into the building's boiler room for safekeeping. In 1991, the building manager gave the stone to the bicentennial resurveying team, who, in 2012, transferred the stone to the D.C. Office of the Surveyor, where it remains on display.

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