New England Patriots at Cincinnati Bengals - October 6th, 2013

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Scoring Table
Quarter Time Tm Detail NWE CIN
23:12BengalsMike Nugent 39 yard field goal 03
0:08PatriotsStephen Gostkowski 42 yard field goal 33
35:43BengalsMike Nugent 50 yard field goal 36
49:21BengalsBenJarvus Green-Ellis 1 yard rush (Mike Nugent kick)313
6:28PatriotsStephen Gostkowski 19 yard field goal 613

Game Info


Expected Points Summary

Win Probability

Team Stats

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Passing, Rushing, & Receiving


Kick/Punt Returns

Kicking & Punting

Bengals Starters

Patriots Starters

Bengals Snap Counts

Patriots Snap Counts

Pass Targets

Rush Directions

Pass Tackles

Rush Tackles

Bengals Drives

Patriots Drives

Full Play-By-Play

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