

Brain in a box for THR's Heat Vision, Wired, Playboy, The Verge and others. Half of . He/Him. Ping ping ping.

Portland, OR
Beigetreten Januar 2008


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  1. vor 6 Stunden

    Someone should revive it. , perhaps? They could do a weekly, "Akira Yoshida Was Unavailable For Comment" column or something.

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  2. vor 6 Stunden

    I miss the Cup of Joe/Axel in Charge (or whatever it was called) days, when the week would end with a Q&A with the Marvel editor in chief, bringing each Friday afternoon the potential for something newsworthy or perhaps utterly embarrassing and confounding to be said.

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  3. hat retweetet

    Sarah Sanders tells reporters President Trump signed the spending bill about 20 minutes ago. He signed the emergency declaration earlier this morning.

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  4. hat retweetet
    14. Feb.

    Apr '18: No emergency. May '18: No emergency. June '18: No emergency. July '18: No emergency. Aug '18: No emergency. Sept '18: No emergency. Oct '18: No emergency. Nov '18: No emergency. Dec '18: No emergency. Jan '19: Dems take over the House. Feb '19: NATIONAL EMERGENCY!

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  5. hat retweetet

    Nothing says “national emergency” like jetting off for a weekend of golfing after declaring one. 🏌🏻‍♂️

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  6. 14. Feb.

    For those (like me) who think that Marvel doesn't play the long game -- consider that this was the image that accompanied the news that Marvel had regained the Conan license, from Jan 2018.

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  7. 14. Feb.

    Savage Avengers, or "Marvel Is Banking On Not Losing The Conan License Again Anytime Soon."

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  8. 14. Feb.
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  9. 13. Feb.

    Second Coming's rights being reverted by DC reminds me of how quickly DC reverted the rights to The Boys way back when, as well. And Mark Russell's already writing for Dynamite, too...

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  10. 13. Feb.

    Not for nothing, but Mark Russell's Second Coming has made me think of for some time. You know, now that he's looking for a new home for it and all.

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  11. hat retweetet
    13. Feb.

    It is a truth universally acknowledged in digital media that the harder you work on a story, the less people will read it in favor of some thoughts you threw out in slack during lunch.

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  12. 12. Feb.

    Late entrant into Today in PR Emails.

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  13. hat retweetet
    11. Feb.

    "It's always been my dream to have a marketing team that puts hashtags on posts so I don't have to." -Olivia Jaimes

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  14. hat retweetet

    The news is out! Paramount picked up my book KILL THEM ALL available at all fine retailers and amazon and whatnot and if they don't have it, tell them to get it!

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  15. hat retweetet
    11. Feb.

    Netflix who?! Marvel is building a four-show animated universe for Hulu (including Howard the Duck!) — complete with a crossover special called THE OFFENDERS. Details:

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  16. hat retweetet
    11. Feb.

    Sobering piece about someone steamrolled by the last shutdown because another shutdown is right on the horizon.

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  17. hat retweetet
    11. Feb.

    This tweet came just seconds after Joe Scarborough said on Morning Joe that historians will record that no president ever worked less than Trump.

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  18. hat retweetet
    10. Feb.

    starting please understand you are not allowed to be mean on the internet anymore to anyone for one week. if you would like to be mean SORRY BUDDY gotta wait. only nice talks

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  19. hat retweetet
    10. Feb.

    Finally read and I'm fucking screaming. I picture homeboy writing the line about Granny and the Furies being "on the wrong side of the Anti-Fun equation", getting up from his laptop, and then explaining his totally sick burn to his lovepillow girlfriend.

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  20. hat retweetet
    9. Feb.

    My only other comment on the whole Mossy thing - comics critics and journalists should have a unique understanding of the economics of being a small press creator. To exploit a creator in that space financially (even if done inadvertently) is incredibly awful.

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