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What to do in Andalusia

Gloria Estefan comes to Marbella this summer
The Cuban singer and her group the Miami Sound Machine will perform a selection of recent hits such as 'No llores' (Don't Cry) and '90 Millas' as well as their 1980s pop songs in English
12.06.08 - 15:03 -

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Gloria Estefan comes to Marbella this summer
Gloria Estefan is one of the world's best-selling artists. / AP
The 'Queen of Latin pop' Gloria Estefan will be performing at the Hotel Puente Romano Tennis Club in Marbella on August 24th as part of her '90 Millas Spanish Tour'.

The Cuban pop singer has chosen the town of Marbella to give the first of a string of concerts around Spain in August and September. She recently expressed her desire to perform in Spain again and give something back to her loyal Spanish fans, who haven't had the chance to see her in concert since her last Spanish tour in 1997. Last year, however, she did choose the Las Ventas bullring in Madrid to present her '90 Millas' album.

Gloria Estefan (La Habana, 1957) has sold an astonishing 90,000,000 records around the world, placing her in the top 20 of the world's best selling artists in history. Her most recent album '90 Millas' was recorded exclusively in Spanish and the title refers to the distance between her native country Cuba and Miami (90 miles).

The singer and her group the Miami Sound Machine plan to make Marbella rock in the summer with a selection of recent hits such as 'No llores' (Don't Cry) and '90 Millas', as well as old classics from the 80s and 90s in English.

Tickets for the concert are on sale from June 13th at, Tick Tack Ticket outlets, and the FNAC, Urende, Carrefour and Tipo stores. Alternatively tickets can be purchased by calling 902 150 025, or heading down to the Hotel Puente Romano Tennis Club. There are only 2,600 tickets available.

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