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Conditions Improve For Multnomah Inmates With Mental Illness


Conditions for prisoners suffering from mental illness at the Multnomah County Detention Center have improved over the last year, according to a new report by Disability Rights Oregon.

'I Look Forward' To Ending My Life, Assisted Suicide Backer Says Before Dying


Australian scientist David Goodall died Thursday after traveling to Switzerland to end his life. He hoped his story would lead to more countries changing laws surrounding assisted suicide.

For Every Woman Who Dies In Childbirth In The U.S., 70 More Come Close


More than 50,000 American women nearly die from childbirth every year, according to a CDC estimate. These catastrophic complications can come at a terrible cost emotionally, financially and medically.

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Health | Arts | World | Food

Korean Culinary Cures: From Tummy Aches To Hangovers, Here's How Moms Cook Up Relief

Cooking to soothe sick children is a ritual for moms around the world. In Korea, some foods are widely believed to help treat ailments and boost health. Here's a look at some popular healing dishes.

local | Health | News | Environment

OSU Scientists Say They've Created A New Sunscreen Out Of Plant Waste

Whilst looking at the waste product of the meadowfoam plant, scientists at Oregon State University think they’ve found a potential new sunscreen.

Entertainment | Nation | Health | Science | Technology

Artificial Intelligence Takes Scientists Inside Living Human Cells

Diseases like cancer involve changes that occur inside a cell — and usually out of sight. A new technology can reveal a cell's inner workings, using inexpensive graphics processors from video games.


Telemedicine Takes Transgender Care Beyond The City

In rural areas, doctors and nurses competent in transgender care are hard to find. It can also be a challenge to locate providers who offer respectful care for issues unrelated to gender identity.

Business | Health

Administration Rejects Proposal For Lifetime Medicaid Cap

The Trump administration laid out limits on how much flexibility it would allow states in running Medicaid. Work requirements are in and lifetime caps are out.

Health | World | News

Congo Declares New Ebola Outbreak After 2 Confirmed Cases

At least 17 people showing signs of hemorrhagic fever died in the country and a later analysis from samples taken in the region confirmed that at least two people had contracted Ebola.

Health | World

She Strips, She Swears, She Goes To Jail ... For The Good Of Her Country

Stella Nyanzi makes headlines in Uganda for protests about everything from corruption to sanitary pads. She's lost her job, landed in jail — and been brought to court to see if she's out of her mind.

Nation | Health

Walmart Will Implement New Opioid Prescription Limits By End Of Summer

The giant pharmacy chain introduced new rules restricting painkiller prescriptions to 7 days and putting a cap on dosage strength. Pharmacies will carry an overdose antidote wherever it's legal.

Health | Nation | Food | Environment

Homes Or Gardens? Developers And Urban Farmers Grapple Over Vacant Land

In communities where both housing and fresh food are needed, the fight over valuable vacant land is prompting policy reform — and tense collaboration — between developers and gardeners.

Health | News

OHSU Selects Surgeon From University Of Texas As Next President

After months of searching, OHSU has picked a new president. Dr. Danny Jacobs is dean of the school of medicine at the University of Texas.

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