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Myst III: Exile Image
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Positive Reviews - 1 11%
Mixed Reviews - 7 77%
Negative Reviews - 1 11%
User Score
Positive Ratings - 3 75%
Mixed Ratings - 0 0%
Negative Ratings - 1 25%
1 negative 7 mixed 1 positive
Game Informer
The framerate suffers in the conversion, but the solid puzzles and great soundtrack stay true to the computer release. [Oct 2002, p.84]
Decent graphics and superb sound put you right in the middle of an engaging story (which stems all the way from the first Myst), but the horrendous and continuing loading issues will have you severely distracted.
PSM Magazine
Just be ready for some seriously challenging puzzles that will test both your patience and brain power. [Nov 2002, p.52]
It will captivate you temporarily with its novel look and gameplay, but when the story starts to get interesting, the clunky controls and molasses-like pace of the thing will leave you frustrated. The game runs far too slow to be enjoyable. ...Read full review
Some players will surely find it all rather dull or frustrating. Still, this relaxed pace can be refreshing. ...Read full review
A prettier and slicker version of the same old “Myst” you’ve either loved/hated for close to a decade now. ...Read full review
It's in your best interest to steer clear of this one and wipe your memory of anything even remotely associated with it. ...Read full review
0 negative 0 mixed 1 positive
Dec 2, 2002
Well I loved playing Myst and Riven so its no surprise that I enjoyed this game. Sure its not action packed or amazingly fluent, but the Well I loved playing Myst and Riven so its no surprise that I enjoyed this game. Sure its not action packed or amazingly fluent, but the involving story, creative worlds, and challenging puzzles make for a solid game. If you loved the first two you'll love this one. Otherwise RENT IT FIRST. Expand
Myst III: Exile introduces a bitter villain whose home world was destroyed by Sirrus and Achenar, the sons of Atrus and Catherine, whom players originally encountered in Myst. Played by Academy Award nominee Brad Dourif, the villain has been hiding on Atrus' Ages, awaiting his chance to gain revenge. Inadvertently, Atrus himself has provided that chance by reestablishing contact with the D'ni providing the perfect impetus for a man whose heart seems bent completely on revenge. The playerMyst III: Exile introduces a bitter villain whose home world was destroyed by Sirrus and Achenar, the sons of Atrus and Catherine, whom players originally encountered in Myst. Played by Academy Award nominee Brad Dourif, the villain has been hiding on Atrus' Ages, awaiting his chance to gain revenge. Inadvertently, Atrus himself has provided that chance by reestablishing contact with the D'ni providing the perfect impetus for a man whose heart seems bent completely on revenge. The player must track the villain through several surrealistic Ages, navigating puzzles to uncover the truth behind this new adversary. Only then can disaster be averted, and the fate of thousands ultimately determined. Expand
Developer: Presto Studios
Genre(s): Adventure, First-Person, Fantasy
# of players: 1 Player
Cheats: On GameFAQs
Rating: E