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The latest information on Illinois’ congressional delegation and how Washington politicians will affect your life, including insightful analysis from Sun-Times White House bureau chief Lynn Sweet.

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Trump says he wants �strong background checks’ for gun users, gives few details

Trump spoke Monday from the White House about shootings that left 29 dead and dozens wounded.

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Sen. Mitch McConnell fractures shoulder after trip, fall in Kentucky

McConnell tripped on his outdoor patio at his Louisville home Sunday morning, and has been treated and released after getting medical attention.

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Former homeless in Chicago now facing the prospect of losing their apartments

For 43 people who got apartments and other help through federally funded social services agency, their problems haven’t disappeared. But the government’s commitment to house them has.

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Over half of Democrats support launching impeachment inquiry

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has remained steadfast that she wants to finish investigations that are already underway before making a final decision.

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Burglar invades Rep. Elijah Cummings’ Baltimore home; Trump responds with �Too bad!’

The burglary occurred in the early morning hours of July 27. Cummings said he scared the would-be intruder away after he yelled. Trump has been criticizing Cummings and his district on Twitter for the last week.

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Trump says he will put 10% tariffs on remaining China imports starting Sept. 1

U.S. consumers are likely to feel the pain if Trump proceeds with the new tariffs.

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Fed cuts key rate in its first reduction in more than decade

It’s the first rate cut since December 2008 during the depths of the Great Recession, when the Fed slashed its rate to a record low near zero.

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Trump’s tweets that Baltimore is �rodent infested’ rings true at Kushner-owned apartments

Residents of apartments owned by Jared Kushner’s family have complained about mold, bedbugs, leaks and, yes, mice.

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Accused of racism, Trump blasts black congressman as racist

After a weekend of attacks on Rep. Elijah Cummings, Trump expanded his attacks to include a prominent Cummings defender, the Rev. Al Sharpton.

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Trump signs Sept. 11 victims’ compensation fund extension

The president said that the nation has a "sacred obligation" to care for the responders and their families.

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Dan Coats, director of national intelligence, resigns: Trump

President Trump tweeted Sunday that Coats would step aside on Aug. 15, and that Trump would nominate a Texas congressman, Republican John Ratcliffe, to the post.

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Fact-check: Durbin says Trump has encouraged unprecedented numbers of migrants to seek asylum; that’s not entirely true

Despite some limitations, federal data does suggest the number of credible fear claims made by migrants seeking asylum at the southwest border has hit a record high.

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Trump attacks majority-black district of Baltimore represented by Rep. Elijah Cummings

Trump’s attacks, made on Twitter, were the latest assault on a prominent lawmaker, and the people he represents, two weeks after he sparked nationwide controversy with racist tweets directed at four congresswomen of color.

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Supreme Court allows Trump administration to use Pentagon funds for border wall

The Supreme Court’s decision allows the Trump administration to tap $2.5 billion in Defense Department money to replace existing sections of barrier in Arizona, California and New Mexico with more robust fencing.

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Guatemala to sign deal with U.S. restricting asylum cases, Trump says

The agreement between the U.S. and Guatemala would require migrants, including Salvadorans and Hondurans, who cross into Guatemala on their way to the U.S. to apply for protections in Guatemala instead of at the U.S. border.

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Trump threatens Apple’s Mac Pro with tariffs if assembly moves from U.S to China

Reports showed that Apple plans to move Mac Pro assembly from Texas to China, citing difficulties finding skilled labor. In a tweet, President Trump threatened the company with 25% tariffs if production moves overseas.

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What to expect following Mueller’s testimony

President Trump claims that Mueller did a "horrible job" during his testimony, but the investigation is not over yet.

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Trump appears in front of altered presidential seal saying �45 is a puppet’

The seal appears to resemble the Russian coat of arms, a potential reference to Trump’s relationship with Vladimir Putin.

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Justice Dept. will execute inmates for first time since 2003

Five inmates who have been sentenced to death are scheduled to be executed starting in December.

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Judge blocks Trump asylum restrictions at US-Mexico border

The new policy denies asylum to anyone who passes through another country on the way to the U.S. without seeking protection there.

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Mueller dismisses Trump’s claims of Russia probe exoneration

The televised Capitol Hill appearances, Mueller’s first since wrapping his two-year Russia probe last spring, are unfolding at a moment of deep divisions in Congress and the country.

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Trump, Mueller differ on whether Mueller sought FBI job

Mueller, testifying under oath Wednesday, told lawmakers that he met with Trump about the search to fill the job, but "not as a candidate" for the position.

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As Mueller speaks, Trump attacks, lobs baseless claims

Before Mueller even took his seat to testify, the president tweeted nine times about Mueller and his investigation.

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Justice Department launches antitrust probe of Big Tech

A growing number of lawmakers have called for stricter regulation or even breaking up of the big tech companies.

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Pritzker: Illinois a �firewall’ against Trump’s �wrongful’ immigration policies

The new laws would create a pathway for citizenship for undocumented children who have experienced trauma and extend legal guardianship for children whose parents have been detained.

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What to expect when Mueller testifies before Congress

The former special counsel’s first open testimony on his investigation has Washington and the rest of the political world in a high state of anticipation.

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Kankakee Democrats compare KKK hoods to �MAGA’ hats in Facebook post

The post was deleted the same day that a state GOP group shared a bogus movie poster on its Facebook page that depicted four Democratic congresswomen of color as "The Jihad Squad."

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Deal sealed on federal budget, ensuring no shutdown, default

The deal will restore the government’s ability to borrow to pay its bills past next year’s elections.

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Trump keeps up attacks on �the squad’ as Muslim, immigrant rights groups in Chicago slam GOP Facebook post

Rep. Lauren Underwood, D-Ill., on CNN: �Guess what, Mr. President — we’re not going anywhere and we’re not scared of you.’

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Trump expands fast-track deportation authority across US

This is the Trump administration’s second major policy shift on immigration in eight days.

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Franken says he �absolutely’ regrets resigning from Senate

A former comedian who made his name on "Saturday Night Live," Al Franken resigned amid a national wave of sexual harassment allegations against men in powerful positions.

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Iran says it arrested 17 Iranian spies allegedly recruited by CIA

An Iranian official said the 17 spies were recruited by the CIA and had "sophisticated training" but did not succeed in their sabotage missions.