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Study of polls finds most now consider women as intelligent as men

The study credits women’s increased participation in the workforce as a reason they’re viewed as more competent.

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In new #MeToo novel ‘Whisper Network,’ women rebel against a boss who’s a Bad Man

Set against a real-world backdrop, author Chandler Baker offers a spirited take on the rage that simmers below the surface for many women in the workplace.

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When can I buy pot in Illinois? How much can I buy? Your questions answered 

Illinois lawmakers voted to legalize recreational weed Friday. Here’s what you need to know about the bill Gov. Pritzker says he will sign.

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‘Seal of approval’ sought to curb abuses at temporary staffing firms

Workers’ rights advocates say campaign would reward best practices.

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Job fair offers young adults makeovers, haircuts and 2nd chances

"It’s about hope and opportunity. ... In my opinion, it’s about making people feel they’re assets to Chicago, and not liabilities."

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UIC full-time faculty reach tentative contract deal with school, averting strike

About 93 percent of UIC United Faculty members voted to authorize a strike earlier this month after nearly a year of contract negotiations.

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No degree? Fed’s study says Chicago is a tough place to work

In Chicago and other areas with plenty of college graduates, there’s evidence employers make that a prerequisite even for jobs that don’t need it.

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Fact-check: Downstate Republican wrong about wage hike costing 50,000 jobs

Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, however, show Illinois added — rather than lost — roughly 48,000 jobs overall in 2007.

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Union says WBBM-AM won’t help its minimum-wage workers

The employees, members of the Writers Guild of America, East, said management has held fast against demands for raises for assistant producers.

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City Colleges of Chicago workers on the picket lines

Clerical and technical staff at the City Colleges of Chicago went on strike Wednesday.

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Fact-check: Congress hopeful’s paycheck claim bounces

Newman’s claim accurately reflects the single survey she is relying on, but it appears to be an outlier among similar polls.


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Fact-check: Pritzker-allied group’s claim about other states’ income tax unfair

With nearly half of income-taxing states not charging higher rates to the wealthy, it’s clear the ad’s claim is off base.

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Invitation accepted: Symphony musicians, management to resume talks at City Hall

"Both sides have accepted the mayor’s offer and will meet at City Hall" on Friday morning, a mayoral spokeswoman said.

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Downtown Chicago office leasing accelerates, report finds

The downside for companies that need space is that rents continue rising.

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Unions that bet on losing mayoral candidate celebrate Council shift: ‘We won’

And in their first major foray into Chicago politics, the International Network of Charter School's political fund saw 10 supported candidates win.

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Wage-theft bill sparks debate about ‘repeated’ offenders

Companies repeatedly convicted of wage theft would face felony charges instead of misdemeanors.

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Pritzker signs ban on local government ‘right-to-work’ laws

Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Friday signed into law a bill that prohibits local governments from enacting so-called "right-to-work" laws.

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UIC faculty votes to authorize strike

Unionized faculty members approved a potential strike just days after UIC graduate workers ended their two-week labor stoppage.

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UIC graduate workers reach tentative contract agreement, but strike goes on

The union representing about 1,500 striking teaching and graduate assistants at the University of Illinois Chicago report progress in contract talks.

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Illinois House advances bill to bar local ‘right-to-work’ laws

Measure comes in response to 2015 Lincolnshire ordinance that prohibited the use of union-security agreements.

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Michael Sacks, Blackhawks Chairman Rocky Wirtz become Chicago Sun-Times investors

"The Sun-Times is an important civic asset that has been on a roll," Sacks said. Wirtz said he was "honored" to invest again in the company.

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Personal income growth in Illinois outpaced surrounding states last year

Overall, Illinois ranked 16th in the nation for personal income growth over the year.

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Flight attendant detained by immigration on return to US

Selene Saavedra Roman, a 28-year-old originally from Peru, is married to an American citizen.

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County harassment survey shows mixed faith in reporting system

Nearly three-quarters trust making the report to the county’s personnel department would lead to a fair inquiry.

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Helen Miller, union activist who fought for living wage, dies at 82

"Before organizing with the union, I was like a little mouse in the corner saying ‘peep, peep’ but now I’m a roaring lion," Mrs. Miller once said.

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Pritzker agrees to pay raises for unionized home and child care workers

While the new rate will be factored into paychecks on April 1, employees will receive back pay by late fall.

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Tucker Carlson refuses to apologize over ‘extremely primitive’ women comments

In other clips, Tucker Carlson calls women "extremely primitive," says he feels "sorry for unattractive women," uses the c-word to describe a woman, calls one woman a "pig" and refers to two other women as "whores."

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U.S. Soccer Federation sued by women’s national team over equal pay

The U.S. Soccer Federation, which is based in Chicago's South Loop, did not have an immediate comment.

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Journalists can’t hold government officials accountable as news deserts rise

Newspapers are closing or being consolidated at an astounding rate, often leaving behind what researchers label as news deserts — towns and even entire counties that have no consistent local media coverage.

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Dems accused of hypocrisy in response to Omar’s Israel comments

Rep. Ilhan Omar is not apologizing for her remarks, and progressives are supporting her.

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Madigan’s office: Aides did not notify speaker of two past harassment complaints

Asked why the speaker hadn't been notified of the allegations, spokesman Steve Brown said officials believed "they handled it appropriately."

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Budget woes at Western Illinois University forces job cuts

Officials at the Macomb school say 29 faculty members, 89 civil service workers, a dozen academic service personnel and two administrative employees lost their jobs.