Book A Remote Learning or Skype session | British Board of Film Classification
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Book A Remote Learning or Skype session

Meet a member of the BBFC team face to face without leaving your classroom!

You don’t have to miss out on meeting a Compliance Officer if you can’t visit the BBFC for a student seminar or arrange a school visit. We offer video conferencing and Skype sessions in which a Compliance Officer will answer your students' questions and discuss films, censorship, classification today, important and controversial decisions and key issues with your class. We can tailor sessions for primary, secondary or university groups. Primary school teachers can also look at our children's website for ideas.

Most sessions are short discussions or forums for students to interview a Compliance Officer, rather than full presentations (we cannot always play clips during conferences, as the quality is variable, but we can discuss key scenes and clips you are already studying). Sessions work best if you let us know what areas your pupils are studying, and they send us some questions. If we receive these in advance, we can usually prepare answers on the particular film (or films) you are studying.

It is also possible for a Compliance Officer to discuss films/trailers made by students as part of their coursework as long as the coursework is sent to us well in advance of a session. Alternatively we can focus on a particular age rating decision or issue (e.g. classifying trailers or the 12A category). Alternatively, a Compliance Officer can offer a quick Q&A session after a class views a particular film.

  • You will need access to a Skype account. (If you use another video conferencing system you can contact us to discuss this further)
  • Sessions can be booked between 10am and 3pm on most weekdays, although we are a working building and will sometimes need to suggest a more convenient time
  • Like our visits, Skype sessions are free of charge. We aim to honour all requests, as long as we have sufficient resource to do so
  • To find out more email us using the form below (or telephone the BBFC and speak to our education team on +44 (0)207 440 1570)
  • Please offer a range of dates/times and book well in advance to ensure we can schedule your conference. When you make your booking mention any specific requirements you have
  • You need to know the Skype account details you will be using and provide a mobile for the teacher (plus a contact number for the staffroom if available)
  • We will usually arrange a quick test session to make sure that the connection is easily achieved
  • We will confirm the date and time of your session by email

We collect some personal information when you fill in this form.  You can read about why we do this here.