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World’s leaders turn on Greta Thunberg after legal move over carbon emissions

Greta Thunberg spoke angrily at the United Nations. She said older generations had stolen her childhood
Greta Thunberg spoke angrily at the United Nations. She said older generations had stolen her childhoodCARLO ALLEGRI/REUTERS

National leaders have rebuked Greta Thunberg after the climate campaigner criticised their inaction and started a legal challenge against France and Germany’s environmental policies.

President Macron and Angela Merkel, who had both previously endorsed Ms Thunberg’s Fridays for Future school strike movement, were stung into reacting to what one French minister termed her “despair . . . verging on hatred”.

Scott Morrison, 51, the prime minister of Australia and a fossil fuels enthusiast, also accused her of stirring up “needless anxiety” among his country’s children.

Ms Thunberg, 16, rose to global celebrity in the space of 12 months after a solitary protest outside parliament before last year’s general election in Sweden.

Last Friday she mobilised an estimated four million demonstrators in more than 100 countries…

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