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  1. PhotoA nurse, Joanne Massarotti, approved Kayla Codina for a coronavirus test last week in Paramus, N.J. Residents waited overnight to get a swab.
    CreditRyan Christopher Jones for The New York Times

    3 Vans, 6 Coolers, a Plane, a Storm and 2 Labs: A Nasal Swab’s Journey

    The backlog for Covid-19 testing in New Jersey and other parts of the country is getting worse, not better. From the nose of a patient in a mile-long line to a phone call days later, bottlenecks thwart its progress.


    1. PhotoSenator Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. during the Democratic debate in Des Moines in January.
      CreditTamir Kalifa for The New York Times

      Bernie Sanders Endorses Joe Biden for President

      At a moment when Mr. Biden still faces deep skepticism from many younger progressive voters, Mr. Sanders’s support is a major step toward Democratic unity against President Trump.

      By Sydney Ember and

Tracking An Outbreak




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