Return of the King


Book 2 – “Rostam: Return of the King” is a prequel to the Rostam & Sohrab story, which tells us how The King (Kai-Kavous) meets and falls in love with Princess Soodabeh in Hamavaran, and subsequently gets himself captured and thrown into a dungeon. Yet again, Rostam has to step in and defeat his country’s enemies and he manages to save the throne from being usurped by Afrasiab.

Rostam: Return of the King – The comic book adaptation of the classic Persian tale from the original epic poem The Shahnameh, by Ferdowsi. 32 pg. ISBN 10: 0-9770213-2-7


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Rostam: Tales from the Shahnameh Comic Book
wins a Golden Lioness Award from WAALM (World Academy of Arts Media & Literature) in Budapest, Hungary. Our whole team was honored to receive this award and we thank WAALM for considering our book and bestowing this honor upon us. THANK YOU!


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